Control of heavy goods vehicles (PS 4/5)
Purpose of policy
East Sussex County Council (ESCC) recognises the vital role played by the local highway network. The purpose of this policy is to establish a pattern of control in order to reconcile, so far as is possible, the conflicting demands of the transport of goods and the environment on the highway network.
This policy relates to individual roads. Area type restrictions in towns will be dealt with individually.
In carrying out this policy, ESCC will meet its statutory obligations and will also support the Council’s Priorities, Local Transport Plan and Highway Service Outcomes.
Policy statement
- A Traffic Regulation Order prohibiting goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes gross weight, except for loading or unloading, may be made where the following conditions are met:
a) the road concerned is both physically and environmentally unsuitable for lorry traffic (see Appendix for details), and
b) an average of not less than one 'through' lorry per hour for the peak 10 hour period in a day (as distinct from journeys by vehicles requiring access for loading or unloading purposes in the affected length), and
c) a more suitable alternative route is available. - An Order may also be made if, following a 'deflectograph' survey, the structural condition of the road pavement is found to be unsuitable to carry the heavy vehicle loading being imposed upon it, and total failure is likely to result if action is not taken.
- It is axiomatic that national 'A' and 'B' roads should be available for heavy lorries. Such roads will be improved if economically justified or reduced in classification if a restriction is to be imposed.
7.5 tonnes gross weight is the close metric equivalent of the former 3 tons unladen weight.
Supporting information
- Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
- Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996
- Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2026
As few roads in the county are really suitable for heavy lorries, it has been a deliberate policy to allow the lorries to disperse over the available road network rather than to concentrate them on selected roads, themselves perhaps little more suitable than the rest. At the same time, restrictions have been placed on particularly unsuitable roads, which were much used by heavy lorries perhaps as short cuts, with the aim of improving the environment for residents and other users of these roads.
Version control
- Highways and Transportation Committee - agenda item 11, 31 May 1989
- Highways and Transportation Committee - agenda item 11A, 16 December 1990
- Lead Member for Transport and Environment - agenda item 5, 16 October 2017
Date of last review
July 2022
Appendix: Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) merit rating factors and score
A score of 55 or higher indicates that a ban maybe justified subject to conditions 1b and 1c of this policy being met.
Physical features
Factor | Score |
Under 4.5 metres wide | 20 |
4.5 to 4.8 metres wide | 12 |
4.8 to 5.1 metres wide | 8 |
5.1 to 5.5 metres wide | 4 |
Over 5.5 metres wide | 0 |
Factor | Score |
Under 3 metres wide | 10 |
3.0 to 3.8 metres wide | 6 |
3.8 to 4.5 metres wide | 3 |
4.5 to 5.5 metres wide | 1 |
Over 5.5 metres wide | 0 |
Factor | Score |
Over 50 metres per kilometre | 5 |
15 to 50 metres per kilometre | 2 |
Under 15 metres per kilometre | 0 |
Factor | Score |
In depth development | 6 |
Slight or ribbon development | 2 |
Factor | Score |
Over 140 degrees per kilometre | 15 |
110 to 140 degrees per kilometre | 11 |
85 to 110 degrees per kilometre | 6 |
60 to 85 degrees per kilometre | 2 |
Under 60 degrees per kilometre | 0 |
Traffic flows
Factor | Score |
Over 1,000 | 12 |
Over 700 | 6 |
Over 400 | 4 |
Over 200 | 2 |
Factor | Score |
Over 70% | 7 |
Over 50% | 3 |
Over 20% | 2 |
Factor | Score |
Over 40 lorries | 15 |
Over 30 lorries | 9 |
Over 20 lorries | 6 |
Over 10 lorries | 4 |
1 to 10 lorries | 2 |
Injury accidents
Factor | Score |
Over 2 accidents | 10 |
1 to 2 accidents | 4 |
Factor | Score |
Over 10 accidents | 8 |
Over 5 accidents | 4 |
1 to 5 accidents | 2 |