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Waste and minerals plans and monitoring reports

Public Examination of Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Revised Policies

On the 13 May 2022, East Sussex County Council, the South Downs National Park Authority, and Brighton & Hove City Council submitted the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Revised Policies to the Secretary of State so that it may be the subject of a Public Examination. Hearing dates were held between Tuesday 8 to Thursday 10 November 2022 (inclusive), at County Hall, Lewes. 

The documents submitted and further information can be found by following the link below.

Inspectors' Report 

The Inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State to undertake the Public Examination into the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Revised Policies Proposed Submission Consultation Document September 2021 have now issued their report. This along with its appendix containing the Schedule of Main Modifications (2 April 2024) can be downloaded below:

Waste and Minerals Local Plan for East Sussex

The waste and minerals planning strategy for East Sussex is set out in a series of documents collectively known as the Waste and Minerals Local Plan. These documents are,

Review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan

The Authorities are currently undertaking a review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan. This review is focusing on:

  • the Provision of Aggregates
  • Mineral Resources and Infrastructure Safeguarding

The review will also seek to improve the effectiveness of certain policies within the Plan.

Public consultations on the proposed alterations the Waste and Mineral Local Plan was held during 2020 and 2021. The next stage will be the submission of the proposed alterations to Government so that they may be subject of a Public Examination.

Previous Consultations

Waste and Minerals Plan

On 19 February 2013 the East Sussex, South Downs, and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Plan (2013) was formally adopted. This plan replaced the majority of the policies that were contained in the Waste Local Plan (2006) and Minerals Local Plan (1999).

The notices of adoptionInspector’s Report and the Sustainability Appraisal associated with this plan are available to download.

Earlier drafts of the Plan together with the background information which informed the content of the Plan can be found on our consultation portal.

Waste and Minerals Sites Plan

The Waste and Minerals Sites Plan will identifies specific areas of land where it is considered that the management of waste and production of minerals could take place in the future. This plan replaced the remaining saved policies that were contained in the Waste Local Plan (2006) and Minerals Local Plan (1999).

Waste and Minerals Adopted Policies Map

An Adopted Policies Map is being prepared alongside the Waste and Minerals Sites Plan. This will shows the location of waste and minerals allocations identified by the Sites Plan on a map.

Supplementary Planning Document on Construction and Demolition Waste

The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Construction and Demolition Waste (2005) has been prepared to promote a reduction in construction and demolition waste. It contains policy background, best practice guidance and useful contacts. On 6 April 2008 the Site Waste Management Plans Regulations came into force. These regulations have similar requirements to this SPD in that they require the preparation of a Site Waste Management Plan. As a result of this, the SPD will be reviewed accordingly and re-issued in due course.

Minerals and Waste Development Scheme

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If you use a screen reader or other assistive technology, please contact the Planning Policy and Development Management Team and we will try to help.

The  Minerals and Waste Development Scheme [114.0 KB] [pdf] sets out the timetable for plans currently being prepared. The latest version came into force in July 2023, and includes:

  • the updated timetable for preparing the ‘First Review of Waste and Minerals Local Plan’

Statement of Community Involvement

All planning authorities must produce an SCI showing how the public will be involved in their planning documents and planning applications.

Our  Statement of Community Involvement [228.2 KB] [pdf] sets out proposals for involving the community and other stakeholders in:

  • preparing policies for minerals and waste development
  • dealing with planning applications for minerals and waste development
  • dealing with planning applications for County Council developments, such as schools and roads

The latest version of the  Statement of Community Involvement [228.2 KB] [pdf] was adopted March 2018.

Waste and Minerals Monitoring Reports

Monitoring the implementation of waste and minerals policies is undertaken and reported in the East Sussex Waste and Minerals Monitoring Reports. The progress of preparing and updating of our Plan is also included in the monitoring reports. Please see our monitoring reports page, for more information.

South East England Aggregates Working Party (SEEAWP) minutes

The aggregate working parties provide technical advice about the supply and demand for aggregates (including sand, gravel and crushed rock) to the mineral planning authorities for the area and to inform the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.

The Council is a member of the South East England Aggregates Working Party (SEEAWP). Being a member helps to fulfil the Council’s duty to co-operate with other mineral planning authorities in the south east to ensure an adequate supply of minerals for the area. The minutes of the SEEAWP meetings since 2013 can be found on the SEEAWP website.

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