Planning application and pre-application
A standard application form called 1APP is used for all planning applications (except minerals) in England. The 1APP form is the only legal way to apply for planning permission (except minerals) in England.
Before submitting an application, you should familiarise yourself with our Development Plan. This is the most important factor in deciding whether planning permission should be granted or refused.
Government guidance
Information about planning applications and the planning application system is available from the websites,
All planning applications for extensions and alterations need to be supported by a design and access statement. See the Planning Portal website for more information about design and access statements.
Pre-application advice
The County Planning Authority welcomes and encourages discussions on the merits of a proposal before a planning application is submitted. This is referred to as “pre-application advice”. This advice gives you a better idea about the prospects of an application being successful as well as issues that will need to be considered when developing your proposal. Please see the pre-application advice webpage for more information.
Making an application
For waste development, you can apply online or by post.
There are additional requirements for minerals and County Council development applications, see sections below.
Applying online
Applications are made via the Planning Portal website.
Applying by post
All the 1APP application forms and guidance notes you need to make a planning application can be downloaded from the Planning Portal using the links below.
Choose the right form for the type of planning application you wish to make. If you are not sure which form you need, contact Planning Development Control.
Personal and sensitive data
New applications, including forms, plans and supplementary documents, are published in full on this website.
Please indicate if your application contains personal or sensitive information that you do not wish to be made public and we will consider your request.
The applicant’s name and address forms part of the Statutory Planning Register and must appear on the website. We will make every effort to remove personal details such as telephone numbers, email addresses and signatures prior to applications being published.
More about personal data in planning applications.
Minerals development
Minerals applications cannot be submitted using the online 1APP form. For minerals-related applications, complete the:
- Application for Planning Permission PDF form (below)
- Minerals related development supplementary information [142.7 KB] [pdf]
Please note: we know the files on this page might not be suitable for users of assistive technology.
If you use a screen reader or other assistive technology, please contact the Planning Policy and Development Management Team and we will try to help.
County Council development
Applications for County Council development can be submitted via the Planning Portal website or by submitting both:
- an Application for planning permission pdf form (below)
- a County Council development supplementary information form [19.0 KB] [pdf]
Local Validation Requirements
- Local Validation Requirements (December 2023) [386.4 KB] [pdf]
Application forms and guidance notes
PDF application forms and guidance notes on the Planning Portal website:
Application for Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved
- Guidance notes -
Application for Planning Permission and for relevant demolition of an unlisted building in a conservation area
- Guidance notes -
Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent
- Guidance notes -
Application for planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area
- Guidance notes -
Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing use or operation
- Guidance notes -
Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed use or operation
- Guidance notes -
Application for Prior Notification of proposed development by telecommunications code system operators
- Guidance notes -
Application for Prior Notification of Proposed Demolition
- Guidance notes -
Application for Approval of reserved Matters following Outline Approval
- Guidance notes -
Application for Removal or Variation of a Condition following grant of Planning Permission
- Guidance notes -
Application for Approval of Details Reserved by a Condition
- Guidance notes -
Application For Extensions To The Time Limits For Implementing Planning Permissions And Associated Listed Building and or Conservation Area Consents
- Guidance notes -
Application for a Non-material Amendment Following a Grant of Planning Permission
- Guidance notes
Planning fees
As of 6 December 2023:
- Planning application fees for County Council development [84.1 KB] [pdf]
- Planning application fees for Waste & Minerals development [88.4 KB] [pdf]
Contact us
For advice on submitting a planning application, contact
Pre-application on planning applications
The County Planning Authority welcomes and encourages discussions on the merits of a proposal before a formal planning application is submitted. This is referred to as “pre-application advice”. This advice gives you a better idea about the prospects of an application being successful as well as identifying potential issues that will need to be considered when developing your proposals.
As of 1 July 2017 the County Council charge for such advice. The fees paid for pre-application advice are in addition to the fees payable for the submission of planning applications and the chargeable monitoring of mineral and landfill sites.
Pre-application advice and charges
Please note: we know the files below might not be suitable for users of assistive technology.
If you use a screen reader or other assistive technology, please contact the Planning Policy and Development Management Team and we will try to help.
The pre-application Planning Advice Guidance document [627.3 KB] [pdf], sets out the benefits of seeking planning advice on application proposals for Minerals, Waste and Regulation 3 development (i.e. County own development including Schools and Libraries) prior to the formal submission of an application, and arrangements for the provision of such advice including fee scales and exemptions.
Please Note: There are currently no charges for pre-application advice for Regulation 3 development proposals. However, those who wish to obtain guidance on whether planning permission is required or formal pre-application advice will need to complete the relevant forms as provided below.
Scale of Development | Level of Service | Fee |
Do I need Planning Permission (DINPP) enquiry (including local validation requirements) | Written response to a completed DINPP Pro-Forma | Free |
Minor Proposals are any proposal that involves: minerals and or waste development on a site less than 0.5ha; building or buildings less than 1,000m2; variation of condition (section 73 application) for development involving any of the above; details pursuant (Article 27) submissions. |
£264 plus VAT** |
Minor Proposals | Further Officer Meetings | £110 plus VAT** (per meeting) |
Major Proposals are any proposal that involves: exploration, appraisal and production of hydrocarbons; minerals and or waste development on a site in excess of 0.5ha; buildings or building for use in excess of 1,000 m2; variation of condition (section 73 application) for development involving any of the above |
£935 plus VAT** |
Major Proposals | Further Officer Meetings | £110 plus VAT** (per meeting) |
Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) | Fees for PPAs will be dependent on the scale and nature of the proposal and will be agreed in advance with prospective applicants (see Section 7). |
*The fee will not be reduced where a site visit or meeting is not necessary as they are considered proportionate to the overall amount of time an officer is likely to spend on each request.
**VAT is charged on pre-application advice fees because the provision of the pre-application service is discretionary rather than a statutory duty. VAT will be charged at the current rate.
How do I obtain advice?
Prospective applicants seeking advice are required to complete one of the following forms, depending on the level of service required.
- Do I need Planning Permission Form? [127.1 KB] [docx]
This form sets out the information that is required to be able to determine whether a proposed development requires planning permission. A completed form and supporting documents will need to be submitted before any written advice is given.
- Request for Waste & Minerals Pre-application Planning Advice Form [97.4 KB] [docx]
This form sets out the information that is required to enable a pre-application advice service to be provided on minor or major proposals for waste or minerals development as set out in the table above. A fully completed form, the required fee and supporting documents make a valid request and will need to be submitted before any written advice is given.
- Request for Regulation 3 Pre-application Planning Advice Form [99.3 KB] [docx]
This form sets out the information that is required to enable pre-application advice to be provided on the County Council’s own development (Regulation 3) including Schools and Libraries. A fully completed form and supporting documents make a valid request and will need to be submitted before any written advice is provided.
Sending your completed form
Please send your completed form by email to:
- by post to:
Planning Policy and Development Management,
Economy and Transport,
County Hall
St Anne’s Crescent,
East Sussex
Payments can be made by cheque payable to East Sussex County Council or over the phone by credit or debit card on
- Telephone: 01273 481 846
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