Lewes review

To find out what happens at each stage of a review see our guide to parking reviews

Lewes review 2

Information and updates about the Lewes parking review which is planned to begin September 2024.

Next stage

None, the review has now finished.

Lewes parking review 1 came into effect on 22 July 2024.

Completed stages

Stage 5 – Implementation. We have arranged for the changes to be made and the traffic regulation orders are now sealed and came into effect on 22 July 2024.

Stage 4 - Planning Committee. The planning committee meeting took place on 17 April  2024.

Stage 3 - Formal consultation. All the responses received in the formal consultation are being reviewed. The details of the formal consultation are on our consultation hub. 

Stage 2 - Informal consultation. All the responses received in the informal consultation have been reviewed. The details of the informal consultation are on our consultation hub. The Lewes formal consultation review list [41.5 KB] [docx] shows the locations and restrictions we are taking forward in Stage 3 - Formal consultation.  

Stage 1 - Prioritisation. All of the requests received up to 31 March 2023 have been assessed and prioritised. The Lewes review priority ranking list [54.3 KB] [docx] show the locations and restrictions we received requests for and if they are being taken forward to Stage 2 Informal consultation or Stage 3 Formal consultation.

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