About the online rights of way map
The online rights of way map is a digital representation of the Definitive Map and Statement. It is for guidance only and may not be legally accurate. It can be used to locate routes throughout the East Sussex. It also shows temporarily closed paths.
We make every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. We take no responsibility for any incorrect information.
Please contact the Definitive Map Team if you have a query about the legal route of a path.
Rights of way open data
Our Rights of Way network data is available to anyone who has software that can interact with a Web Feature Service (WFS). Once connected to the WFS, the data can be saved into any format that the software supports.
The data could be used by:
- the public to plan routes on the footpaths, bridleways and byways. As more local authority rights of way data becomes available, routes can be planned across county boundaries.
- organisations such as the Wildlife Trust, Natural England or the Ramblers Association
- other local authorities
Download our Rights of Way data
Our Rights of Way data can be downloaded via the following link. It is updated every 6 months – see the Details section for the latest date.
- East Sussex Rights of Way Open Data (not definitive)
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