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Lead Local Flood Authority
A strategic overview of local flooding and also definition of local flooding for East Sussex.
Sustainable drainage systems
Find information about using SuDS, to manage flood risk and improve water quality.
Surface water management plans
Information for the SWMP as a study to understand flood risk arising from local flooding.
Local flood risk management strategy
Find out the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for East Sussex.
Ordinary watercourse consent
Find out about consent, for working on a flow of water within a watercourse.
Flooding advice
Flood warnings and also free automated flood warnings by phone, text or email.
Riparian ownership
Understand your responsibility for a watercourse on, under or next to your property.
Section 19 Investigations
Find out about formal investigation under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.
Asset register
Find out about structures or features across the county considered by us to have a significant effect on flood risk.
Representations on Planning Applications
Information on the planning application files for Local Planning Authority and Third Parties comment.
The Blue Heart project
Find out about the six-year project concerning the management of water levels within Eastbourne and southern Wealden.
Recent Investigations
Find information about recent flood investigations.
Planning Pre-Application Advice and Data Tariff
Find information about our planning pre-application advice and data tariff.
Planning Advice Tariff – Post Planning Application Submission
Find information about our levels of advice following a planning application submission.