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  4. The Historic Environment Record (HER)

The Historic Environment Record (HER)

The county’s known archaeological and historic sites are mapped and described in a database called the East Sussex Historic Environment Record (HER). There are around 21,000 recorded archaeological sites on the HER so far.

What information does the HER contain and what is it used for?

The East Sussex HER holds information dating from the Palaeolithic period (c.800,000 years ago) up to 20th Century monuments. There are a range of sites, from those well-known such as Lewes Castle and Battle Abbey, to sites only known from aerial photographs and lidar analysis.

The information is used:

  • to provide advice in many aspects of the planning process and help manage the county’s heritage in a sustainable way
  • as a valuable research tool, used by students, local archaeologists, historians and members of the public

East Sussex HER charging policy

Full HER searches

You may like to request a full search of the HER database. Archaeological contractors or consultants often request this search in the preparation of a detailed desk-based heritage impact assessment which is required on the majority of major planning applications and applications on sites where the significance of and or potential for heritage assets to be impacted is high.

Please contact us before applying to ensure that you order the correct data and area of coverage as refunds cannot be made once an order is processed. You can apply and pay for this service online at:

Due to staff shortages at this time, priority searches are unavailable. This situation will be reviewed in due course.

Due to the replacement of our HER database, searches may take longer than 10-15 working days to produce in October/November. We apologise for any inconvenience

Follow the link to view a map of the Archaeological Notification Areas in East Sussex and Brighton & Hove.

HER consultation reports

You may be required to submit an HER consultation report in order to validate your application for non-major and or householder developments which affect Listed Buildings or if the site is located in an Archaeological Notification Area (ANA). It sets out summary information about the location and extent of known heritage assets and archaeological potential and is used by the applicant in the preparation of a Heritage Statement.

Please contact us before applying to ensure that you order the correct data as refunds cannot be made once an order is processed. You can apply and pay for a consultation report online at:

Due to staff shortages at this time, priority searches are unavailable. This situation will be reviewed in due course.

Due to the replacement of our HER database, searches may take longer than 10-15 working days to produce in October/November. We apologise for any inconvenience

Using the HER for research

The HER database is now available online via the website of The Keep. You can use this data for your personal research – the database found on The Keep website is a summarised version and is not meant for commercial purposes or to be published without prior permission.

The database is also available for research only by kind assistance of Historic England via the website of Heritage Gateway - the database found on Heritage Gateway is a summarised version and is not meant for commercial purposes or to be published without prior permission.

Woodland Creation Schemes

The ESCC Archaeology Team may be able to provide archaeological consultation assessments in connection with woodland creation schemes. Please contact county.archaeology@eastsussex.gov.uk for further advice.

Environmental Impact Assessments (Agriculture)

The ESCC Archaeology Team are currently unable to provide archaeological consultation assessments in connection with EIA (Agri.) scoping and/or screening opinions. We recommend that HER data is procured and assessed by an appropriately qualified archaeological consultant should you be required to provide an archaeological assessment. We will update this web page once our capacity to provide advice on non-planning matters has improved.


Please contact the HER Officer for any enquiries about the HER database and the searches available:

Postal address:

HER Officer,
The Keep
Woollards Way,

For information on how we handle data please see our privacy notices for our HER search service and data supplied in HER submissions.

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