Home education
Parents are legally responsible for ensuring a full-time, suitable education. This can be at school or home. Elective home education can be a rewarding and positive experience.
Before you decide, consider factors like:
the time needed to deliver a full-time education
the possible costs.
If you are unhappy with your child’s school, contact them in the first instance to discuss any issues.
If your child has special educational needs, contact Amaze SENDIASS for advice.
Choosing to home educate
You need to write to the head teacher saying:
you are taking your child out of school
you will be taking full responsibility for their education.
Include the date this will start and your signature.
The school will inform us so that we can offer advice and support. We also offer monthly drop-ins at three locations across East Sussex. These are for people who are considering home education or need advice. You do not have to give your name or details when attending a drop-in.
You may choose to share the information about your full-time education:
at a home visit from your Elective Home Education (EHE) officer
by sending a report.
We will also offer a home visit if we feel you would benefit from extra support.
If your child is at a special school and you are considering elective home education, talk to the school. Your child must stay on the roll of the school until the local authority can discuss it with you and make a decision.
Already home educating or child not starting primary school
Contact us for advice and guidance which might include:
- teaching materials
- Special Educational Needs
- post 16 advice
- local support groups
- returning to school
Contact us:
Telephone: 01273 336 888
Email: Teaching and Learning Provision
Elective Home Education Parent Pack [1.6 MB] [docx]
Elective Home Education Policy and Procedure
For full details of our Elective Home Education (EHE) Policy and Procedure, read:
- East Sussex County Council Elective Home Education Policy and Procedure [532.1 KB] [docx]
Removing a pupil from a school roll
Off-rolling is the practice of removing a pupil from a school roll without using a permanent exclusion.
Independent schools
- Off-roll form for independent schools [16.9 KB] [docx]
Off-rolling your child with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
- EHE Off Roll from Special School [14.5 KB] [docx]
- EHE Off Roll from Mainstream or Facility with EHCP [14.9 KB] [docx]
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