Unauthorised encampments

An unauthorised site or encampment is where people set up home on land in a vehicle or caravan without the landowner’s permission. The Travellers' Team do not deal with encampments of tent dwellers or street homeless. However, we will visit any vehicle which is believed to be lived in if reported to us. Initially we will carry out checks on behalf of the landowner.

Our checks

  • Any welfare issues with the occupants.
  • Whether the encampment is obstructing the highway or public rights of way.
  • Community impact including any disruption to local residents or businesses.
  • Concerns raised by members of the public, for example behaviour, impact, planned events for the land.

Follow on liaison with other services

  • We liaise with district and borough council colleagues and police regarding all concerns raised.
  • We liaise with landowners and partner services to decide whether enforcement action is considered appropriate and necessary in the situation.
  • Where appropriate we offer alternative accommodation at our transit site, Bridie’s Tan in Lewes.
  • Where necessary and when requested, we make referrals to support services on behalf of the occupants e.g. housing, health, education, and safeguarding.

To report an unauthorised encampment

Please contact our mainline number during office hours or email anytime. Please include the exact  location, number of vehicles and any additional information you may be aware of.

Telephone: 01273 481340


Alternatively use our Report an Unauthorised Encampment Form