Fostering Panel member

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The functions of the Fostering Panel are:

To consider reports of prospective foster carers and whether they are suitable for approval as foster carers.

To consider first annual reviews of approved foster carers and whether they are suitable for reapproval as foster carers.

To consider reports to panel of approved carers and whether they are suitable for reapproval as foster carers.

To make a recommendation to the Agency Decision Maker.  The Agency Decision Maker considers the recommendation made by panel and makes the final decision.

Panel members:

East Sussex Fostering Panel members are recruited from a range of diverse backgrounds and have personal or professional experience relevant to fostering.  They need to have the  necessary knowledge and expertise to support the Agency to make effective child-centred recommendations in relation to the cases brought before it.

There is a set payment for each member of £150 per panel session. This includes reading papers prior to panel and attending panel.

Enhanced DBS checks are completed on all panel members.

Panel meetings:

East Sussex Fostering Panel meets twice a month.  One meeting is face to face either in Eastbourne or Lewes and the other is a virtual meeting held on MS Teams.  Panel members need to be regularly available to attend both types of meetings.

As a member of East Sussex Fostering Panel, your responsibilities will include:

  • To attend fostering panel meetings prepared to raise issues and to contribute to the panel discussion
  • To take responsibility for participating in the making of a recommendation, on each case, drawing on both personal and professional knowledge and experience
  • To participate, with other panel members, in advising on fostering policy and procedural matters as required
  • To read the circulated papers carefully and to undertake preparation work prior to the meeting to ensure a thorough understanding of the case prior to panel
  • To attend the meeting prepared to raise issues and to contribute to the panel discussion
  • To be prepared to attend additional panels, if possible, when requested
  • To address diversity issues and promote anti-discriminatory practice
  • To safeguard the confidentiality of all panel papers and panel discussions
  • To participate in panel induction, panel training and appraisals
  • To declare an interest on receipt of papers and agenda if you have previous knowledge of the case to be presented to panel
  • To inform the agency at once if you have been charged, cautioned or convicted for any criminal offence or if any criminal proceedings are pending

The panel membership is regularly reviewed and there might be opportunities for new members to join the East Sussex Fostering Panel.

If you would be interested, please contact our Panel Advisor, Adrian Sewell – 01323 747407/8 or