Wraparound childcare
Wraparound childcare refers to childcare directly before and after the school day. This is different from:
- out of school activities
- activity clubs
These out of school activities clubs are usually less frequent than wraparound care. Wraparound childcare should be available to all primary school-aged children, during term time, every weekday, from 8am, until 6pm.
Frequently asked questions
Does my child’s school have to provide wraparound care?
The government would like schools to provide wraparound care, but this isn't always possible. Other organisations can fill the gap. A wraparound service can run on or off a school site.
How much does wraparound care cost?
The provider sets costs, so they will vary. There are no funded or free places for wraparound childcare. Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit Childcare may help with fees. Check if you are eligible on the Childcare Choices website.
How do I search for a wraparound provider?
To find wraparound childcare in your area, please use our online directory:
East Sussex Community Information Service: ESCIS
ESCIS recently categorised wraparound childcare as 'breakfast and after school clubs'. This has now been updated to 'wraparound childcare'.
What if there is no wraparound available in my area?
Parents can ask the school to consider setting it up. Submit your requests in writing. State the days and times you need wraparound childcare. This is applicable if your child is under 14, or under 18 if they are children with SEND.
For further details, see the government's page on wraparound care (ChildcareChoices.gov.uk)
Further info on childcare
This guidance explains what childcare providers should be doing to ensure a safe environment for children. It has been written for parents and carers:
To check whether a provider is registered with Ofsted, see their online search tool:
Career opportunities
For information on careers in childcare, see Do something big (Department for Education)
Contact us
You can contact our team via email: wraparoundChildcare@eastsussex.gov.uk