
Members of the East Sussex Supported Employment Forum include:

  • county-wide supported employment providers
  • local education providers including schools, colleges, training providers
  • voluntary and community sector
  • employer champions
  • local authority including Children’s Services, Adult Social Care, and Skills & Employability
  • employment support services, such as the Department for Work and Pensions
  • careers related services and information advice and guidance
  • parents and carers*
  • clients and service users*

Members will have an opportunity to network, share intelligence and examples of good practice with the forum. They will also have access to national and local updates and training, and play a vital role in shaping the priorities and direction of future meetings.

*To promote collaborative planning, wider engagement and effect change locally, specific forum events and workshops will be aimed at parents and carers and young people and adults with employers. Acknowledging that these key stakeholder groups may need a targeted approach and a different method and means to securing effective engagement/participation.