Culture East Sussex Board

The CES Board works together to deliver the vision and mission of CES and ensure that the cultural sector creates opportunities and possibilities for everyone. They do this by managing the CES Culture Priority Pipeline, discussing topics of relevance and interest, and advocating for the sector.

How the Board is chosen

Depending on the category, individual places are either:

  • chosen by an open competition
  • proposed by certain organisations in consultation with the nominations committee,  or
  • co-opted.

Board members serve for a three-year term and can be re-elected every three years. On appointment, all Board members will receive an induction pack and will be required to complete a declarations of interest and protected characteristics form.

Appointments will be advertised online, and more information can be requested from the team.

Who is on the Board?

The CES Board is made-up of up to 35 members. This includes representatives of cultural organisations, independent artists and freelancers, representatives from East Sussex County Council, Eastbourne and Lewes, Hastings, Rother and Wealden District and Borough Councils, Team East Sussex, the education and public health sectors as well as co-opted members to improve representation of people with protected characteristics under the Equalities Act, and other national or county bodies that support culture in East Sussex.

Current CES members are listed below. Please note  members that are listed together hold a shared membership.

Rupert Clubb, East Sussex County Council (Chair)

Ami Bouhassane and Andrew Penrose, Farley's House and Gallery

Anthony Kalume, Diversity Lewes

Ben Hook and Melanie Powell, Rother District Council

Dawn Badland, Applause Rural Touring

Jenny Williams, Take the Space

Joe Hill, Towner Eastbourne

Julia Roberts, Culture Shift

Kate Adams and Helen Charlton, Project Artworks

Laura McDermott, The Attenborough Centre, University of Sussex

Leanne O'Boyle, Sussex Archaeological Society

Liz Gilmore, Hastings Contemporary

Nathaniel Hepburn, Charleston

Peter Chivers, Brighton Dome

Phoene Cave, The Musical Breath

Robert Cottril, Eastbourne Borough Council

Sally Lampitt, Hastings Fat Tuesday 

Steph Fuller, Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft

Stewart Drew, De La Warr Pavilion

Teresa Salami-Oru and Darrell Gale, East Sussex County Council Public Health

Tim Slaney and Anooshka Rawden, South Downs National Park Association

Victoria Conheady, Hastings Borough Council

Secretariat team:

Sally Staples, East Sussex County Council

Kimberley Bulgin, East Sussex County Council

Applications to join the board will be announced in late 2024.