How we set fees and charges for services
What are fees and charges?
East Sussex County Council provides certain services to the public for which it has the ability and is expected to make a charge – either under statutory powers (set by the government) or discretionary (set by the Council). These charges form part of funding of the Council’s gross revenue budget.
The approval of Fees & Charges that are not set by government, other external bodies or frameworks is delegated to the Chief Finance Officer, with a requirement to report to Cabinet and Full Council those set at a level above a pre-set threshold (usually based on inflation).
The majority of such fees and charges are reviewed and approved during quarter 3 of any given financial year as part of the Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) process. Any subsequent amendments are approved as they arise during the year and are reported to Cabinet and Full Council as part of quarterly monitoring.
A schedule of Fees and Charges approved by the Chief Finance Officer at quarter 3 2023/24 is set out below:
Fees and charges approved February 2024 [47.3 KB] [xlsx]
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Email: Financial Planning