Our main areas of responsibility

  • Adoption and fostering
  • Child protection
  • Improving the prospects for vulnerable children
  • Improving behaviour in schools
  • Early years education and child care
  • Encouraging children to have a voice
  • Looking after children in care

Education East Sussex

  • Improving pupil achievement
  • Support for school head teachers
  • Improving school attendance
  • Providing school places
  • Improving school buildings
  • Adult education
  • Improving e-communication in schools
  • Home to school transport

Adult social care and health

  • Assessing people’s need for social care
  • Help for people to remain in their own homes
  • Home care
  • Respite care
  • Day care
  • Residential care
  • Reablement at Home via Joint Community Rehabilitation Team (JCR)
  • Occupational therapy and home adaptations
  • Community safety
  • Health and wellbeing in the community

Communities, economy and transport

  • Road maintenance
  • Traffic safety
  • Waste disposal
  • Environment
  • Passenger transport
  • Statutory plans for a better environment for future generations
  • Economic development
  • Emergency planning
  • Trading standards
  • Consumer advice
  • E-government
  • Libraries, information and the arts
  • Community planning
  • Archives and records
  • Registration of births, marriages and deaths


  • Managing Council performance

Internal support teams

  • Personnel and training
  • Communications and web services
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Finance and procurement
  • Property
  • Legal services