Senior Council Members
The Leader has overall political control of the Council, although many key decisions are delegated to other senior Councillors (Lead Members). A full description of the role of the Leader of the Council is detailed in the East Sussex County Council Constitution. The Deputy Leader assists the Leader with these duties. The Leader is elected for a 4-year term by the Council at the first meeting following an election.
- The Leader of the Council is Cllr Keith Glazier.
- The Deputy Leader of the Council is Cllr Nick Bennett.
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman
The Chairman’s role is similar to that of a mayor in other councils. It is a non-political role, working primarily to promote the county as a whole rather than the specific policies of the Council. The Vice-Chairman assists the Chairman with these duties. Both are elected (or re-elected) each year by the Council. The role and function of the Chairman is detailed in our Constitution.
- The Chairman is Cllr Roy Galley.
- The Vice Chairman is Cllr Abul Azad.
The Chairman is happy to:
- support activities within the County Council and beyond
- be invited to present awards
- officially open new buildings and projects
- visit County Council teams in their local offices.
If you have an event in the future, which you would like the Chairman to attend or visit, please contact:
The Chairman’s Office – C3E
County Hall
St Anne’s Crescent
Phone: 01273 481956
Lead Members
These are senior members of the Council who hold specific responsibilities for different policy areas. Each Lead Member is also a member of the Cabinet. Full details of the role of Cabinet members are detailed in the East Sussex County Council Constitution. Lead Members are appointed by the Leader, and are:
- Strategic Management and Economic Development Cllr Keith Glazier
- Resources and Climate Change Cllr Nick Bennett
- Transport and Environment Cllr Claire Dowling
- Adult Social Care and Health Cllr Carl Maynard
- Economy Cllr Penny di Cara
- Children and Families Cllr Bob Bowdler
- Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability Cllr Bob Standley
Opposition Leaders and Deputy Leaders
- The Liberal Democrat Leader is Cllr David Tutt.
- The Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader is Cllr Kathryn Field.
- The Labour Leader is Cllr Chris Collier
- The Labour Deputy Leader is Cllr Christine Robinson
- The Green Party Leader is Cllr Johnny Denis
- The Green Party Deputy Leader is Cllr Georgia Taylor
- The Independent Democrat Group Leader is Cllr Stephen Shing
Spokespeople for the opposition
Just as central government has ministers and shadow ministers, each of the political parties in East Sussex County Council has a ‘shadow councillor’ for our lead members.
The Liberal Democrat party spokespeople
- Strategic Management and Economic Development Cllr David Tutt
- Overarching responsibility for Adult Social Care and Education Cllr Kathryn Field
- Resources and Climate Change Cllr Colin Swansborough
- Economy Cllr David Tutt
- Transport and Environment Cllr Brett Wright
- Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability Cllr Alan Shuttleworth
- Children and Families Cllr Kathryn Field.
- Adult Social Care Cllr John Ungar
- Health Cllr Sarah Osborne
The Labour party spokespeople
- Strategic Management and Economic Development Cllr Trevor Webb
- Resources and Climate Change Cllr Trevor Webb
- Economy Cllr Chris Collier
- Transport and Environment Cllr Godfrey Daniel
- Children and Families Cllr Christine Robinson
- Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability Cllr Chris Collier
- Adult Social Care Cllr Trevor Webb
The Green Party Group spokespeople
- Strategic Management and Economic Development Cllr Johnny Denis
- Resources and Climate Change Cllr Julia Hilton
- Economy Cllr Johnny Denis
- Transport and Environment Cllr Georgia Taylor and Cllr Julia Hilton
- Children and Families Cllr Georgia Taylor
- Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability Cllr Wendy Maples
- Adult Social Care Cllr Wendy Maples