How the Standards Committee deals with complaints

The Standards Committee is responsible for promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by councillors and other co-opted members.

The following documents provide information in relation to how complaints should be made regarding an alleged breach of the Code of Conduct by a councillor or a co-opted member. They also provide details regarding the arrangements for dealing with such complaints.

You can find the Standards Committee’s main terms of reference in the Constitution of the Council.


Arrangements for dealing with complaints about councillor conduct – Local Assessment of Complaints [167.5 KB] [doc]

The arrangements for dealing with complaints about councillor conduct set out how you may make a complaint that a councillor or co-opted member of this authority has failed to comply with the Council’s Code of Conduct and the process that will be followed in relation to complaints received.

Complaints about councillor conduct – summary of process [349.7 KB] [pdf]

This flowchart summarises the detailed process outlined in the Arrangements for dealing with complaints about councillor conduct document.

Assessment criteria [27.4 KB] [docx]

A summary of the criteria to be considered by the assessment sub-committee when considering a complaint and what action, if any, should be taken.

Investigations procedure [22.6 KB] [docx]

This document sets out the procedure which will be followed once a decision has been taken that an allegation of misconduct by a county councillor should be investigated.

Hearings procedure [29.2 KB] [docx]

This document sets out the process to be followed when a decision has been taken that a hearing, as to whether a county councillor has breached the code of conduct, is required.

Complaint form [139.5 KB] [doc]

The form to be completed by anyone wishing to submit a complaint regarding an alleged breach of the Code of Conduct by a councillor.