Director of Adult Social Care and Health - Mark Stainton

Areas of responsibility include:
- strategic leadership of Adult Social Care and Public Health
- planning, commissioning and providing social care services for adults, older people, people with mental health problems, learning disabilities and physical disabilities
- safeguarding vulnerable adults from abuse or risk of abuse
- working in partnership with health, housing, independent sector care providers and voluntary and community organisations to commission and provide person-centred care and support
- helping residents in East Sussex to improve their health, and reducing differences in health between population groups (known as health inequalities)
- working closely with partners from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Sussex Police, Surrey and Sussex Probation Trust, East Sussex Fire and Rescue, District and Boroughs, Independent Sector and Voluntary Organisations, on community safety through the Safer Communities partnership
Other Council and regional duties
- Member of the South East Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS)
- Chair of the South East ADASS Regional Finance and Resources Sub Group
- Member of the NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board
- Joint Senior Responsible Officer of the East Sussex Health and Social Care Programme
- Senior Responsible Officer for the Community and Primary Care Workstream of the East Sussex Health and Social Care Programme
- Member of the Health and Wellbeing Board
- Chair of the East Sussex Autism Partnership Board
- Co-Chair of the East Sussex Financial Inclusion Group
Phone: 01273 481238
Email: Mark Stainton