Abnormal loads

What is an abnormal load?

An abnormal load is a vehicle that has any of the following,

  • a weight of more than 44,000 kilograms
  • an axle load of more than 10,000 kilograms for a single non-driving axle and 11,500 kilograms for a single driving axle
  • a width of more than 2.90 metres
  • a rigid length of more than 18.65 metres

You can check the weight of your vehicle at one of the public weighbridges in East Sussex. Please see our page, 

Transporting an abnormal load

Hauliers must inform East Sussex County Council when they want to transport an abnormal load across the County. Hauliers can notify multiple authorities via the web-based abnormal load mapping system Electronic Service Delivery for Abnormal Loads (ESDAL ).

Hauliers can plot the route they need to take, get details of all the organisations they need to notify and deliver fully compliant notifications.

Hauliers can check how suitable the route is for their vehicle. ESDAL does not require any specialist software; just a PC with Internet access. You can sign up and register at the website,

Alternatively, notifications may be sent by email directly to East Sussex Highways at networkmanagement@eastsussexhighways.com

The minimum notification period is 2 clear working days (not including the date of notification or the proposed movement date).

Hauliers must insure the County against any damage their vehicle may cause to any road, bridge or other structure. A valid indemnity covering the movement period should accompany the notification. Sussex Police must also be notified where appropriate.

There is no charge for processing the notifications or indemnities. However, charges may be made for other services including:

  • if calculations are required to determine if the bridge (or other structure) is suitable to carry the abnormal load (special orders only)
  • if any street furniture such as bollards, signs or lighting needs to be removed (and replaced) in order for the movement to take place

Police escorts

For information about police escorts for abnormal loads, contact the Surrey and Sussex Police Abnormal Load Office,

Further information

The Road Vehicles (Authorisations of Special Types) (General) Order 2003 – Government Statutory Instrument 2003 No 1998 sets out the regulations for abnormal loads.

If you require more information about abnormal loads, please contact our Highways Network Management Team.

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