Roadside sponsorship (PS 8/6)
Purpose of policy
To permit planting, landscaping and sponsorship of roadside features with appropriate recognition of sponsors.
Specific policies
- The Director of Transport and Environment is authorised to agree planting, landscaping and installation of other features on the highway through sponsorship with appropriate recognition notices.
- The County Council will secure the design, implementation and maintenance of planting, landscaping or public art schemes on the highway. The applicant or sponsor will enter into an agreement to sponsor the scheme for a period of up to five years, and have this recognised on a sponsorship notice erected on the site.
- Schemes shall be in accordance with the Code of Practice for roadside sponsorship taking into account the following factors: road safety, maintenance of the feature, future highway works, the appropriateness of the proposals within the local environment, layout and number of sponsorship notices (normal notice size not to exceed 0.2 square metres), and any other relevant matters.
- The procedure for designing schemes shall provide for taking into account the views of the local Member and the Town or Parish Council.
- Proposals will need to satisfy current legislation concerning Public Utilities’
Supporting statement
Roadside sponsorship has been regulated by the provisions of the Highways Act
1980. This policy is designed to allow sponsoring organisations to improve the
aesthetic appearance of the highway.
Version control
- Highways and Transportation Committee – agenda item 9.1, 16 September 1992
- Transport and Environment Committee – 30 September 1997
- Cabinet Committee – agenda item 11, 19 April 2005
- Lead Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment – agenda item 5, 7 November 2005