Sharing your information
Any sharing of personal data is always made:
- on a case-by-case basis
- using the minimum personal data necessary
- with the appropriate security controls in place
- in line with legislation
Some of the organisations we may share your information with include:
- the Department for Education
- Ofsted
- the Department of Health
- schools
- your doctor
- the NHS
- other services within East Sussex County Council
We may also sometimes need to share your information with other government organisations so that they can monitor how we are doing and plan national services.
We only pass on information about you to other people if they have a real need for it and we always do it in line with the law. This is usually to assist them in providing the right service for you, or, to help us to plan and improve our services and to look into any concerns you may have about the services you receive.
We may also share your information if it is needed to protect you or someone else from harm.
Use of third party organisations
To enable us to provide the services you need, East Sussex County Council may share your information with trusted external organisations to process your data on our behalf. Any organisation commissioned by the Council will be under contractual obligation to comply with data protection legislation.