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  5. Parking PCN Cancellation Guide

Parking PCN Cancellation Guide

Guidance on the consideration of cancelling Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

A guide for the consideration of challenges and representations against PCNs issued in the areas of Eastbourne and Hastings boroughs and Lewes and Rother districts.

Information set out in this document is for guidance only.

Each case will be considered on its own merits, considering the individual circumstances.


In 1991, the Road Traffic Act gave Local Authorities the power to enforce parking restrictions under civil law. This is often referred to as decriminalised parking enforcement, because they had previously been enforced under criminal law by the Police.

With effect from 31 March 2008, Local Authorities managed their decriminalised parking enforcement under the provisions of Schedule 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004. Now known as Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) rather than decriminalised parking enforcement.


The list below shows some common abbreviations that may be used in this document.

BB                    Blue Badge

BBH                 Blue Badge Holder

CC                    Charge Certificate

CEO                 Civil Enforcement Officer

CPE                  Civil Parking Enforcement

DVLA               Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency

ESCC               East Sussex County Council

EU                    Eastbourne

LW                    Lewes

NPO                 Notice Processing Officer

NtO                  Notice to Owner

P&D                 Pay & Display

PCN                 Penalty Charge Notice

RA                    Rother

TMA                Traffic Management Act 2004 

WN                  Warning Notice

ZH                    Hastings

The PCN process

CPE is a semi-judicial process and all actions taken by the council must be according to legislation and within the laid down timescales.

If you ignore a PCN it will not go away!

If no payment or correspondence is received in connection with a PCN once it has been issued, it will continue to progress automatically following the approximate timescales and stages listed below.

          Day 1           PCN is issued

          Day 15        Discount period ends – PCN increases to full charge

          Day 28       Registered keeper details requested from DVLA

          Day 30       NtO issued to registered keeper

          Day 60       CC issued – PCN charge increases by 50%

          Day 80       Debt registered in County Court - £10 court fee added

          Day 85       Notice of registration issued to registered keeper

          Day 110       Application for a warrant to enforce debt

          Day 117       Warrant issued to Bailiffs for collection

The council will no longer accept payment if the debt has been passed to a Bailiff company, who will add on their own charges, increasing the debt further.

Please note that CEOs do not have the authority to cancel a PCN once it has been issued.

Further information regarding the PCN process can be found by visiting the PATROL website at www.patrol-uk.info/ which provides information about parking restrictions and Traffic Regulations enforced by councils outside of London.

If you wish to challenge a PCN, please do not pay it.

Currently there is no legislation in place that allows an individual to pay and challenge the issue of a PCN.

If full payment of a PCN is made, at any stage, it is reasoned the individual has accepted liability and the case is closed.

Warning Notices

ESCC have adopted the process of issuing WNs in Eastbourne, Lewes District, Hastings and Rother District.

These are used for first time minor infringements and to make drivers aware of the mistake without issuing a PCN.

A WN would only be issued once and any subsequent cases would result in the issue of a PCN. To manage this we keep a record of all WNs, these records are for our use only and not shared with anyone else.

Challenging a PCN

Any recipient of a PCN has the right to challenge it.

A challenge can be made within 28 days from the date the PCN was issued.

If a challenge is not received within 28 days an NtO will be issued which is formal notification of the issued PCN. The NtO will be sent to the owner or keeper of the vehicle and only they can make a formal representation.

A formal representation must be received by the Council within 28 days of the NtO issue date. If a formal representation is made outside those 28 days the Council are not legally obliged to consider or respond to it.

The NtO lists the only statutory grounds upon which a formal representation may be made, these grounds are listed below;

  • The alleged contravention did not occur.
  • I was never the owner of the vehicle in question/ or
  • I had ceased to be its owner before the date on which the alleged contravention occurred/ or
  • I became its owner after the date on which the alleged contravention occurred.
  • The vehicle had been permitted to remain at rest in the place in question by a person who was in control of the vehicle without the consent of the owner.
  • We are a vehicle-hire firm and the vehicle was on hire under a hiring agreement and the hirer had signed a statement acknowledging liability for any PCN issued during the hiring period.
  • The PCN exceeded the amount applicable in the circumstances of the case.
  • There has been a procedural impropriety by the enforcement authority.
  • The Traffic order which is alleged to have been contravened in relation to the vehicle concerned is invalid.
  • The NtO should not have been served because the PCN has already been paid in full, or

(ii)the PCN has been paid, reduced by the amount of any discount set in accordance with Schedule 9 to the TMA, by the applicable date as specified in paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 3 to the 2022 General Regulations.

  • Other Grounds.

PCNs are not normally cancelled if they have been issued correctly, although there are circumstances in which cancellation may be considered appropriate.

The progression of a PCN alongside the consideration of challenges, representations and the defence of appeals against an issued PCN are part of a statutory process as laid out in the TMA.

Any challenge or representation made against the issue of a PCN is carefully considered, alongside any evidence available, by an experienced team of NPOs.

Once an NPO has made a decision they will inform the individual who made the challenge or representation against the PCN in writing.

If the decision is to cancel the PCN, the case will be closed and no further action is taken.

If the challenge or representation is rejected, details of why will be included in the written response. Information on how to make payment and how to pursue the challenge or representation further will also be contained within the written response. The case will continue to progress in accordance with the statutory process, so it is vital that the instructions provided are followed.

Motorists have a responsibility to be aware of the meaning of the signs and lines which denote parking and other traffic regulations.  In particular, when parking there is always ample opportunity to look for signs and lines and to ensure that you comply with them. 

Please note that although mitigating circumstances will be considered, the following reasons will not normally be accepted as justification to cancel PCNs: 

  • My meeting, doctor’s appointment, dental appointment, court attendance overran
  • There was nowhere else to park
  • Other vehicles were also parked in contravention, and I did not see them get a ticket
  • There was no need for a yellow line at that location
  • The parking restrictions were unfair
  • I did not see the sign or lines
  • My vehicle was not causing an obstruction
  • I went to get change for the P&D machine
  • I only stopped for a minute
  • I was parked outside my own house
  • I got lost and so could not return in time to my vehicle
  • Someone had borrowed my car and they will not pay the PCN
  • This is too much money to ask for a parking contravention
  • I am not the owner or keeper because I hired or leased the vehicle
  • I have a valid residents permit but I was not driving the car for which it is valid
  • My vehicle ran out of fuel
  • I parked out of bay because the vehicle next to mine was parked inconsiderately
  • I thought I was parked correctly but made a genuine mistake
  • This is the first time I’ve got a PCN, I won’t do it again, and I’ll be more careful next time
  • My P&D ticket, permit, day permit fell out of sight when I closed the door(s)
  • The queue in the shop, post office or bank was slow and I could not get away.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.


Handheld Computer Evidence

A CEO will record all relevant details of a vehicle and any contravention, including observation times and the presence of any P&D tickets, permits, BBs or notes on display.

Handheld computer notes are the primary evidence in support of a PCN.

Photographic Evidence

After a CEO has issued a PCN they will usually take photographs of the vehicle in contravention of the regulations, providing the NPOs with supporting evidence, which enables them to fully evaluate if the PCN was issued correctly and if a contravention occurred.

It should be noted that photographic evidence is not a legal requirement, and the absence of photographs has no bearing on the validity of a PCN.

Cancellations will not be made solely on the basis that photographic evidence is not available.

Self-Written Evidence

There are some instances where self-written evidence is not accepted and a request for this to be verified by a third party is made. A NPO might ask for a copy of invoices, delivery notes or confirmation letters from employers, line managers or doctors in support of an individual contesting a PCN.

Cancellations will not be made unless sufficient requested evidence is provided.

Site Surveys

An officer may visit the location of the contravention to check the condition and location of the signs and lines if the need arises. This might be when a challenge or representation is made on the basis that there was as issue with one or more of these at the time of the contravention.

Site Surveys help the NPO to make a fully informed decision.

Previous Notices

Warning Notice (WN)

The investigating NPO will check if a WN has been issued to the vehicle previously, and if so, what this was for and when.

Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)

The investigating NPO will check if a PCN has been issued to the vehicle previously, and if so, what this was for and when.

This evidence allows the NPO to assess if the driver had knowledge enabling them to prevent the contravention occurring.

How to avoid getting a PCN


  • Be careful who you lend your car to, the registered keeper is liable for any PCNs
  • Check that the bay is not suspended, especially if you park there frequently
  • Always check the lines and signs and follow the instructions on them, temporary signs are just as valid as permanent ones
  • Always display permits and P&D tickets clearly, a CEO will need to be able to read all the details
  • BBHs should display their badge and clock in accordance with the BB Scheme Regulations so that the expiry date can be seen and the clock shows your arrival time
  • Make sure your entire vehicle is parked wholly within any marked bays
  • Make sure you pay for enough time when purchasing a P&D ticket
  • Make sure you return to your vehicle before your P&D ticket expires
  • Check that any permit, P&D ticket or blue badge is still clearly displayed when leaving your vehicle to make sure it has not moved when you shut the door
  • Make sure that you understand the signs, road markings and their meanings


  • Leave more than one P&D ticket or permit on display, always remove expired ones
  • Block entrances or park across a dropped (lowered) kerb
  • Double park, or park more than 50 centimetres from a kerb
  • Assume you can park somewhere just because other people have
  • Assume you can park free of charge on bank holidays or Sundays, always check the signs
  • Assume leaving a note on your dashboard saying where you are and how long you will be will exempt you from the regulations
  • Leave your vehicle to get change for a P&D machine; it is your responsibility to make sure you have the means to pay for parking when you arrive
  • Park on double yellow lines (unless you are loading or unloading where this is permitted)
  • Park on single yellow lines during restricted hours (unless you are loading or unloading where this is permitted)
  • Park your vehicle where a loading ban is in place
  • Park in bays designated for other users, such as bus stops and taxi ranks

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.

This policy will be reviewed regularly.

Reason for challenge

Blue Badge Holders

Cancellation likely

  • If it is the first time the badge is not displayed or displayed incorrectly.
  • If it is the first time the time disc is not displayed or set incorrectly (where needed).
  • If it is the first time the BBH is made aware that the badge is faded and needs replacing.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If the driver has already received a warning notice or PCN for similar contravention.
  • If forgot to display badge or time disc.
  • If badge or clock displayed/ set incorrectly.
  • If parked where concessions do not allow – such as where a loading ban is in place.
  • If parked causing an obstruction such as on a junction, corner, across dropped or raised kerbs.
  • If overstayed the time permitted.
  • If claimed unaware restrictions were enforced on a Sunday or Bank Holiday.
  • If waiting for a BB.
  • If the badge has expired by more than 7 days.

Bus stops

Cancellation likely

  • If depositing a minimum of £1,000 in notes or £100 in coins to the bank or building society or post office and is the closest place to park, providing a receipt or statement can be provided confirming the date and time of the transaction.
  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If claimed a bus is not due.
  • If claims not causing an obstruction.
  • If only stopped for a short time.
  • If making a delivery or loading or unloading.
  • If mini-bus or coach stopped – only authorised buses can use the stops.

Car Parks – Combined Permit and P&D

Cancellation likely

  • If no ticket was purchased as P&D machines in the area were not working and this can be confirmed on the fault log and the RingGo website was down.
  • If P&D ticket not valid for the car park but purchased from a nearby machine as the machines in the car park were faulty and this can be confirmed on the fault log.
  • If permit holder was unable to renew their permit for reasons beyond their control – such as an illness or on holiday, and evidence of this can be supplied.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If permit or P&D has expired.
  • If VRM on the permit is incorrect.
  • If parked in a specified user bay such as Motorcycle or Disabled persons bay.
  • If parked in a hatched or suspended bay or area.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If no attempt to display a valid ticket or permit was made.
  • If ticket or permit is not displayed clearly.
  • If vehicle exceeds the maximum stay permitted.
  • If the vehicle returns within the restricted no return allowed time.
  • If claimed getting change to purchase a ticket.
  • If Hotel or Resident Visitor Permit holder parks for longer than permitted on the Permit.
  • No mobile signal when trying to extend time.
  • Users mobile phone / tablet not working.
  • User input error when account set up on RingGo website.
  • User input error when entering details for a parking event

Car Parks – Free

Cancellation likely

  • Not applicable

Cancellation unlikely

  • If vehicle exceeds the maximum stay permitted.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If parked in a hatched or suspended bay or area.
  • If parked in a specified user bay such as Motorcycle or Disabled person's bay.
  • If wrong class of vehicle – such as a car in an HGV only car park

Car Parks – P&D

Cancellation likely

  • If no ticket was purchased as P&D machines in the area were not working and this can be confirmed on the fault log and the RingGo website was down.
  • If P&D ticket not valid or the car park but purchased from a nearby machine as the machines in the car park were faulty and this can be confirmed on the fault log.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If no attempt to purchase a ticket or RingGo session was made.
  • If purchased but forgot to display P&D ticket or it is not displayed clearly.
  • If P&D ticket or RingGo session expired.
  • If vehicle exceeds the maximum stay permitted.
  • If the vehicle returns within the restricted no return allowed time.
  • If parked in a specified user bay such as Motorcycle or Disabled person’s bay.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If claimed getting change to purchase a ticket.
  • If parked in a hatched or suspended bay or area.
  • If Hotel or Resident Visitor Permit holder parks for longer than permitted on the Permit.
  • No mobile signal when trying to extend time.
  • Users mobile phone / tablet not working.
  • User input error when account set up on RingGo website.
  • User input error when entering details for a parking event.

Car Parks – Permit only

Cancellation likely

  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.
  • If no loading or unloading is observed but evidence is provided of the activity.
  • If permit holder was unable to renew their permit for reasons beyond their control – such as an illness or on holiday, and evidence of this can be supplied.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If no valid permit is displayed.
  • If claimed bought P&D ticket or RingGo session.
  • If claims only stopped for a short time.
  • If permit is not displayed clearly.
  • If permit has expired.
  • If VRM on the permit is incorrect.
  • If parked in a specified user bay such as Motorcycle or Disabled person’s bay.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If parked in a hatched or suspended bay or area.
  • If Hotel or Resident Visitor Permit holder parks for longer than permitted on the permit.

Coach/Bus Bays – Time limited, Pay and Display

Cancellation likely

  • If loading or unloading luggage to a nearby hotel, B&B or guesthouse and this was the only reasonable place to park, providing evidence of stay is supplied.
  • Coach stayed longer than maximum time permitted as delayed by an elderly or disabled passenger.
  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If claimed a coach was not due.
  • If claims not causing an obstruction.
  • If only stopped for a short time.
  • If vehicle has less than 16 seats plus the driver and does not have a Public Service - Vehicle tax disc.
  • If no attempt to purchase a ticket or RingGo session was made.
  • If purchased but forgot to display P&D ticket or it is not displayed clearly.
  • If P&D ticket or RingGo session expired.
  • If vehicle exceeds the maximum stay permitted.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If claimed getting change to purchase a ticket.


Cancellation likely

  • If loading or unloading luggage and or passengers to a nearby hotel, B&B or guesthouse and this was the only reasonable place to stop.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If parked where restrictions do not permit.


Cancellation likely

  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.
  • If no loading or unloading is observed but evidence is provided of the activity.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If claims not causing an obstruction.
  • If claims only stopped for a short time.
  • If causing an obstruction to pedestrians or traffic flow.
  • If claims making a delivery, loading or unloading and no evidence can be provided.
  • If no evidence of an emergency can be provided.
  • If driver undertakes any activity other than loading or unloading such as using local facilities, having a conversation, popping into a shop or stopping at a cash machine.

Dropped kerbs

Cancellation likely

  • Not applicable

Cancellation unlikely

  • Under most circumstances as a dropped kerb is to be kept clear at all times.

HGV vehicles

Cancellation likely

  • If loading or unloading and this was the only reasonable place to stop, evidence of the activity can be provided.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If parked where restrictions do not permit.

Loading and Unloading

including Goods Vehicles & Heavy Goods Vehicles

Cancellation likely

  • If depositing a minimum of £1,000 in notes or £100 in coins to the bank or building society or post office and is the closest place to park, providing a receipt or statement can be provided confirming the date and time of the transaction.
  • If no loading or unloading is observed but evidence is provided of the activity.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If loading or unloading where a ban is in force.
  • If driver undertakes any activity other than loading or unloading such as using local facilities, having a conversation, popping into a shop or stopping at a cash machine.
  • If claimed unaware restrictions were enforced on a Sunday or Bank Holiday.
  • If claims making a delivery, loading or unloading and no evidence can be provided.
  • If parked in a specified user bay such as Motorcycle or Disabled person’s bay.
  • If shopping for goods prior to loading.

Loading and Unloading Bays

including Goods Vehicles & Heavy Goods Vehicles

Cancellation likely

  • If overstayed the maximum time permitted whilst attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.
  • If no loading or unloading is observed but evidence is provided of the activity.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If vehicle exceeds the maximum stay permitted.
  • If the vehicle returns within the restricted no return allowed time.
  • If wrong class of vehicle – such as a car in a Goods Vehicle Only bay.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If no loading or unloading was observed and no evidence of the activity can be supplied.
  • If shopping for goods prior to loading.


Cancellation unlikely

  • If parked in a specified user bay such as a Disabled person’s, loading or unloading bay.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • Motorcycle parked on pavement.
  • If parked in a hatched or suspended bay or area.

P&D bays

Cancellation likely

  • If no ticket was purchased as P&D machines in the area were not working and this can be confirmed on the fault log and the RingGo website was down.
  • If P&D ticket not valid for that location but purchased from a nearby machine as the closest machine was faulty and this can be confirmed on the fault log.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If no attempt to purchase a ticket or RingGo session was made.
  • If P&D ticket is not displayed clearly.
  • If P&D ticket or RingGo session expired.
  • If vehicle exceeds the maximum stay permitted.
  • If the vehicle returns within the restricted no return allowed time.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If claimed getting change to purchase a ticket.
  • No mobile signal when trying to extend time.
  • Users mobile phone / tablet not working.
  • User input error when account set up on RingGo website.
  • User input error when entering details for a parking event.

Pedestrianised Area or Zone

Cancellation likely

  • If a utility company is attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If parked without loading or unloading taking place.
  • Loading or unloading during the loading restricted hours.

Pedestrian Crossings and School Keep Clear

Cancellation likely

  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.

Cancellation unlikely

  • Under most circumstance as these areas are to be kept clear at all times.

Permit Holders

Cancellation likely

  • If permit holder was unable to renew their permit for reasons beyond their control – such as an illness or on holiday, and evidence of this can be supplied.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If permit is not displayed clearly.
  • If permit has expired.
  • If VRM on the permit is incorrect.
  • If parked in a specified user bay such as Motorcycle or Disabled person’s bay.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If parked on yellow lines.
  • If parked in a hatched or suspended bay or area.
  • If parked in a Resident permit holder or Business permit holder only bay without the correct permit.

Permit Holder Bays

including Resident Permit Holder, Business Permit Holder Bays

Cancellation likely

  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.
  • If no loading or unloading is observed but evidence is provided of the activity.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If claimed unaware restrictions were enforced on a Sunday or Bank Holiday.
  • If no permit is displayed.
  • If parked in a Resident permit holder or Business permit holder only bay without the - correct permit.
  • If claimed bought P&D ticket or RingGo session.
  • If claims not causing an obstruction.
  • If only stopped for a short time.

Private property

Cancellation likely

  • If evidence is provided that the vehicle was on private property.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If causing an obstruction to pedestrians or traffic flow.

Resident, Scratch card or Trade Permits

Cancellation likely

  • If permit holder was unable to renew their permit for reasons beyond their control – such as an illness or on holiday, and evidence of this can be supplied.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If permit is not displayed clearly.
  • If permit has expired.
  • If VRM or Hotel name on the permit is missing.
  • If no day, date, month, hour or minutes scratched out on the permit.
  • If more than one day, date, month, hour or minutes scratched out on the permit.
  • If VRM is incorrect.
  • If parked in a specified user bay such as Motorcycle, P&D or Disabled persons bay.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If parked on yellow lines.
  • If getting a pen or coin to complete permit.
  • If Hotel or Resident Visitor Permit holder parks for longer than permitted on the Permit in a Car Park.

Shared use bays - Pay & display and permit bay (including residents) combined

Cancellation likely

  • If no ticket was purchased as P&D machines in the area were not working and this can be confirmed on the fault log and the RingGo website was down.
  • If p&d ticket not valid for that location but purchased from a nearby machine as the closest machine was faulty and this can be confirmed on the fault log.
  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.
  • If no loading or unloading is observed but evidence is provided of the activity.
  • If permit holder was unable to renew their permit for reasons beyond their control – such as an illness or on holiday, and evidence of this can be supplied.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If VRM or Hotel name on the permit is missing.
  • If VRM is incorrect.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If getting a pen or coin to complete permit.
  • If more than one day, date or month scratched out on the permit.
  • If no day, date or month scratched out on the permit.
  • If no attempt to purchase a ticket was made.
  • If no attempt to display a ticket or permit was made.
  • If ticket or permit is not displayed clearly.
  • If claimed getting change to purchase a ticket.
  • If Hotel or Resident Visitor Permit holder parks for longer than permitted on the - permit.
  • No mobile signal when trying to extend time.
  • Users mobile phone / tablet not working.
  • User input error when account set up on RingGo website.
  • User input error when entering details for a parking event.
  • If P&D ticket or RingGo session expired. 

Shared use bays – Permit holder and Time Limited Free Bays

Cancellation likely

  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.
  • If no loading or unloading is observed but evidence is provided of the activity.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If vehicle exceeds the maximum stay permitted.
  • If the vehicle returns within the restricted no return allowed time.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If permit is not displayed clearly.
  • If permit has expired.
  • If VRM on the permit is incorrect.
  • If VRM or Hotel name on the permit is missing.
  • If no day, date, month, hour or minutes scratched out on the permit.
  • If more than one day, date, month, hour or minutes scratched out on the permit.
  • If claimed unaware restrictions were enforced on a Sunday or Bank Holiday.
  • If getting a pen or coin to complete permit.

Specific User Bay – Ambulance, Doctor, Police

Cancellation likely

  • Not applicable

Cancellation unlikely

  • Under most circumstances as designated bay is to be kept clear for specific users.

Suspended bay or areas

Cancellation likely

  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.

Cancellation unlikely

  • Under no circumstance as suspended bays or areas are to be kept clear at all times, unless attending an emergency.


Cancellation likely

  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.
  • If council is satisfied that the driver was assisting passengers to or from the vehicle.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If not satisfied that the driver was assisting a passenger.
  • If driver claims picking up prescription or shopping for customer.
  • If parked in a specified user bay such as Motorcycle or Disabled person’s bay.
  • If parked on yellow lines.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If parked in a hatched or suspended bay or area.
  • If driver claims using local facilities or purchasing refreshments.

Taxi ranks

Cancellation likely

  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.

Cancellation unlikely

  • Under most circumstances – designated ranks to be kept clear for Hackney taxis applying for fare.
  • If driver claims using local facilities or purchasing refreshments.

Vehicle Broken Down

Cancellation likely

  • If evidence of breakdown or repair supplied and the vehicle was removed within 24 hours.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If vehicle ran out of fuel.
  • If no evidence of breakdown or repair supplied.
  • If vehicle left for longer than 24 hours.

Verge or Pavement Parking

Cancellation likely

  • If depositing a minimum of £1,000 in notes or £100 in coins to the bank or building society or post office and is the closest place to park, providing a receipt or statement can be provided confirming the date and time of the transaction.

Cancellation unlikely

  • Under most circumstances as parking on a verge or pavement is not permitted at any time in the specified area(s).

Waivers and Dispensations

Cancellation likely

  • If specified location blocked or obstructed, this is reported to the Parking Shop or Parking Information Centre and vehicle is parked in the closest appropriate place possible.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If Waiver or Dispensation is not displayed clearly.
  • If Waiver or Dispensation has expired.
  • Parked out of the bay markings.
  • If parked anywhere not specified on the Waiver or Dispensation.

Yellow Lines and Restricted Zone

Cancellation likely

  • If depositing a minimum of £1,000 in notes or £100 in coins to the bank or building - society or post office and is the closest place to park, providing a receipt or statement can be provided confirming the date and time of the transaction.
  • If attending an emergency call out and this is the only reasonable place to park and evidence of this is provided.
  • If no loading or unloading is observed but evidence is provided of the activity.

Cancellation unlikely

  • If claimed unaware restrictions were enforced on a Sunday or Bank Holiday.
  • If claims not causing an obstruction.
  • If only stopped for a short time.
  • If causing an obstruction to pedestrians or traffic flow.
  • If shopping for goods prior to loading.
  • If claims there was nowhere else to park

Yellow Lines with a loading ban (kerb markings)

Cancellation likely

  • If depositing a minimum of £1,000 in notes or £100 in coins to the bank or building society or post office and is the closest place to park, providing a receipt or statement can be provided confirming the date and time of the transaction.

Cancellation unlikely

  • Under most circumstances as parking or loading or unloading is not permitted at any time.