Parking charter
Our commitment is to provide a parking service that is helpful, fair but firm while working towards achieving excellence.
To be helpful
- We will mark streets and car parks as clearly as possible to show where you can and cannot park
- Civil enforcement officers will give advice on parking and how to park safely within the restrictions
- All staff will treat customers with respect and courtesy and will expect the same in return
To be fair
- We will ensure that enforcement is carried out fairly and consistently
- We will take photographs to support the issuing of a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) where possible
- We will review our policies and guides regularly
To be firm
- All challenges against PCNs will be considered in line with our policies
- We will act to recover debts owed to the Council for non-payment of PCNs
- We will work to protect all staff from abuse and violence
To achieve excellence
- We will respond to all enquiries promptly
- We will be clear and concise in our explanations and always use plain English
- We will regularly review communication to improve access to parking information
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