Electoral register
Electoral registers list the names and addresses of people who can vote.
Current electoral register
- The full register
Lists everyone who can vote and can only be used for elections, preventing and detecting crime, and checking loans or credit applications. - The ‘open’ or ‘edited’ register
This can be bought by anyone. Some people choose not to be listed in the open register.
Libraries no longer hold hard copies of the ‘open register’. They can now be viewed at your local registration office.
Historical electoral registers
Libraries offer free access to historical registers through Ancestry.com. You will need to log into our public network computers to access this resource.
Our record office, The Keep, has electoral registers from 1832 to the 1990s for all areas of East Sussex except Brighton & Hove.
Find other records of electoral registration.
There are some rules about what you can copy:
- Full register after December 2001 must not be photocopied.
- Full register up to and including February 2001 has no restrictions.
- Open register must not be photocopied but handwritten notes can be made.
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