In-Library Tablet Loan Agreement
You must read and accept these terms and conditions before you borrow a device for use while you are in East Sussex Libraries, and a record that you have done so will be added to your library account.
Terms and Conditions of use
I agree that I will adhere to the following loan procedure:
- I understand that the library will use my library membership account to record that the device has been loaned to me.
- I have read and understood the Library and Information Service Privacy notice.
- I am fully responsible for all the personal data on the device, and any activities and communications that take place while the device is on loan to me, will be wiped, and the device returned to factory settings before being loaned to another borrower.
- I understand that the library will lock the device if it is not returned at the agreed time.
- I will not remove the device from the library building.
- I will take care of the device and ensure it is not lost, damaged or stolen.
- I understand that failure to return the device on time will result in the device being ‘bricked’ meaning that it is rendered useless, the data wiped, and library card being suspended.
- If a device is stolen from the library the matter will be reported to the police.
- East Sussex Library Service reserves the right to refuse requests to borrow a tablet from library customers who have previously borrowed a device which was lost, stolen or damaged whilst they were borrowing it.
The internet provides access to lots of information that is valuable or enlightening, but you may also find material that is inaccurate, offensive, or illegal under UK law. East Sussex County Council’s Library and Information Service has provided a level of filtering for tablet users, but you must also take responsibility for your own activities.
The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 made it illegal to access create or distribute content which promotes terrorism or seeks to radicalize individuals to such causes. Accessing this content may be treated as a criminal offence.
East Sussex County Council cannot be held responsible for the privacy or security of your activities and urges caution when undertaking financial transactions online.
I agree that I will not carry out any activity that constitutes ‘unacceptable use’:
- I will not access websites or material that promote terrorism or violent extremism, or that seek to radicalise individuals to such causes. This material could include articles, images, speeches, or videos that promote or encourage acts of terrorism, websites made by terrorist organisations or videos of terrorist attacks.
- I will not tamper with the device hardware or attempt to install or download viruses on to the device.
- I will not modify or alter the internet security and web use filter settings on the device
- I will not seek to gain unauthorised access to computer systems or information (hacking).
- I will not use the device to engage in illegal activities.
- I will not engage in activities that are an inappropriate use of the device, such as gambling.
- I will not use the device for sending material likely to cause offence or inconvenience, commercial email (spamming), and chain letters.
- I will not use the device for the purpose of libel, slander, or harassment.
- I will not violate copyright or software license agreements.
I understand and agree that it will be recorded on my library account that I have read and accepted these terms and conditions.