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Ash dieback (Chalara fraxinea)

What is Ash dieback?

Ash dieback, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (also known as Chalara fraxinea), is the most significant tree disease to affect the UK since Dutch elm disease which was first recognised in the 1960s. It will lead to the decline and death of the majority of ash trees in Britain and has the potential to infect more than two billion ash trees (over 1.8 billion saplings and seedlings to more than 150 million mature trees) across the country.

It is an airborne fungus that enters the tree via the leaves and occasionally the stem in young trees. During the summer these will turn black and fall to the ground. The tree then shuts down its water carrying vessels to stop the fungus spreading through the tree. This causes the die back of young and eventually all branches.

What are we doing?

East Sussex County Council are continually surveying the county’s roads in order to record the condition of all trees, especially Ash, on or adjacent to the highway network, in public areas owned by ESCC and in schools and other ESCC property. This information will help prioritise any action required, such as felling or further inspections.

Our tree inspection strategy will include working closely with districts, boroughs and parish councils, as well as members of the public who owns ash trees close to public highways.

If you own an ash tree

If you are aware that you have an ash tree on your property, you should be aware of the responsibility you have to ensure it does not become a risk to people or property. Ash trees can decline rapidly once infected and become brittle and weak at the roots, especially if a secondary pathogen attacks the tree.

If your ash are within falling distance of the public highway (which includes footpaths and bridleways) and shows signs of Chalara infection, you may be served with a notice to fell the trees by East Sussex County Council Highways who are the local Highway Authority under section 154 of the Highways Act.

If you are unsure whether your tree(s) are infected, you can use the guidance above, or ask a reputable tree surgeon.

Woodland managers and countryside workers

If you own woodland which contains ash you should be aware that:

  1. Markets for lower grade timber are available which may help reduce the cost of felling; and
  2. There are grants available under Countryside Stewardship which can contribute towards the cost of restocking and ongoing management.

For further information on managing your woodland and available grants, and for the contact details of your local Forestry Commission Woodland Officer please the visit the website of the,

Contact us

For more details on ash dieback, contact our,

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