Parent Governor Representatives
Parent Governor Representatives (PGRs) represent the views of all parents. They are parent governors who have been elected to sit on Local Authority scrutiny committees dealing with education.
What do they do?
Parent Governor Representatives can
- represent parents on the People Scrutiny Committee and the Admissions Forum
- provide a non-political voice for all parents in their area in local decision-making
- be contacted about general education issues in your child’s school
- advise on how best to get a problem solved
Parent Governor Representatives cannot
- get involved in individual and specific cases about a child
People Scrutiny Committee
PGRs have speaking rights on any issue under discussion by the committee, but can only vote on issues relating to education. Their role is to hold the Local Authority to account. They do this by consulting with parents on discussions and decisions relating to education.
Parent Governor Representatives (PGR) national network
They are part of the PGR national network and through them, you can talk to central government.
If you raise issues, PGRs can join in national education consultations with the concerns of East Sussex parents.
Parent views
You are welcome to contact PGRs about general education issues and give your views on any of the matters dealt with by the relevant committees.
You can see the programme of work, agenda and minutes online
Who are we?
Parent Governor Representatives are parents of children at state schools in East Sussex and are also governors and volunteers.
John Hayling
John is the Chair of Governors at Grove Park School in Crowborough, where he has been a parent governor for 8 years.
Background information
East Sussex has two PGRs. Each Local Authority is required to have between two and five. Across England there are about 275 PGRs in post at any one time. In East Sussex they serve a four-year term.
PGRs were established in the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. They are independent of the County Council and are regulated by legislation. View the legislation
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