Fostering agencies and other local authorities
Safeguarding or child protection checks
Fostering agencies or local authorities requiring a check of ESCC records should send their request to The response letter will advise of the information held on Children's Services, Adult Services, and LADO records. Please download the form below (available in PDF and Word format).
Please note:
- This check will not include any records in relation to adoption as this is stored on a separate system. If you require this information, you will need to send your request and signed consent to and they will be able to advise
- All checks requests will receive a response letter
- There may be occasions when there are delays in responding and it should not be assumed that there is no information held if you do not receive a prompt response.
- ESCC charge fostering agencies for this check. Please contact us on the email below for further information
How to complete the form
- Please ensure all signatures, DOBs, previous names, current address, and any ESCC address history are included in the request
- Applicant 1 and 2 – details of the carer(s) or support carer(s)
- Household members – details of all other household members including children
- Children not living in the household – details of all children not living in the household, including adult children
- Anyone aged 16 or above – must sign and date the form themselves
- Anyone aged under 16 – the person with parental responsibility must sign and date the form
- A separate sheet for further boxes should be used if needed
- Anyone signing the form, must read the Declaration and Consent before signing
Please note: we are aware these files might not be suitable for users of assistive technology.
If you use assistive technology such as a screen reader, please contact us on 01323 464129, and we will do our best to help.
Local authority checks consent form for foster carers (inaccessible Word version) [1.4 MB] [DOCX]
Fostering agencies or local authorities which need a safeguarding or child protection check for new or existing carers in East Sussex. Please note, we are aware that this form is not accessible and it will be replaced shortly. (2 pages)
Local authority checks consent form for foster carers (inaccessible PDF version) [285.1 KB] [PDF]
Fostering agencies or local authorities which need a safeguarding or child protection check for new or existing carers in East Sussex. Please note, we are aware that this form is not accessible and it will be replaced shortly. (2 pages)
Returning the form
Email: A fostering service sending a request from an email address other than will need to send their email securely and register with Voltage Secure Email to access an ESCC response letter. ESCC sends all responses via secure email either to a address or via Voltage Secure email.