Register of Interests: David Sheppard

About this Register of Interests

Name: David Sheppard

Date last confirmed correct: 2 June 2023

I declare that I have the following disclosable pecuniary and/or non‐pecuniary interests relating to my role with the South East Local Enterprise Partnership.

Please state None where appropriate, do not leave any boxes blank.

SPOUSE/PARTNER: In the notice below my spouse or partner means anyone who meets the definition in the Localism Act, i.e. my spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom I am living as a spouse or a person with whom I am living as if we are civil partners, and I am aware that that person has the interest having carried out a reasonable level of investigation. Where your spouse or partner has recently been involved in any activity which would have been declarable, this should be mentioned, with the date the activity ended.

Section 1: Employment

Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain.
Myself Spouse/Partner
1.1. Name of: your employer(s); any business carried on by you; any other role or position in which you receive remuneration (including councillors). DAS Interim Management Ltd
D-RisQ Ltd
1.2. Description of employment or business activity listed at 1.1. Interim management and software tool development None
1.3. The name of any firm in which you are a partner. None None
1.4. The name of any company for which you are a remunerated director. None None

Section 2: Sponsorship

Any financial benefit as a result of carrying out SELEP duties.
Myself Spouse/Partner
2.1. State any financial benefit obtained, other than from the SELEP, which is paid as a result of carrying out duties as a SELEP representative. This includes any payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union*.

*within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (a).
None None

Section 3: Contracts

Any contract for goods, works or services.
Myself Spouse/Partner
3.1. Declare any contract for goods, works or services with the SELEP (which has not been fully discharged) with you or any organisation named at 1.1. None None
3.2. Declare any contract for goods, works or services entered into by any organisation named at 1.1 where either party is likely to have a commercial interest in the outcome of SELEP decisions. None None

Section 4: Property

Any property or land.
Myself Spouse/Partner
4.1. List any property or land in the SELEP area (East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock) that is owned, leased, rented or licensed by you or any organisation listed at 1.1 (excluding councils).

Please state the first part of the postcode and corresponding council. If more than one property is in a single postcode area, please state this.
None None

Section 5: Securities

Any interest in the financial securities of an organisation.
Myself Spouse/Partner
5.1. List any interest in the financial securities (shares) of an organisation under 1.1 that:

(a) has a place of business or land in the area of the SELEP; and

(b) either:
- the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total issued share capital of that body; or
- if the share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which I have an interest exceeding 1% of the total issued share capital of that class.
None None

Section 6: Other interests

Any other interests.
6.1. I am a member of, or I am in a position of general control, a trustee of, or participate in the management of:
(a) Any body to which I have been appointed or nominated by the SELEP None
(b) Any body exercising functions of a public nature (e.g. school governing body or another LEP) None
(c) Any body directed to charitable purposes None
(d) Any body, one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union) None
(e) Any council (please state any interests you hold as Council Leaders/Cabinet members for the council’s land, resources and commercial interests) None
6.2. Any other interest which I hold which might reasonably be likely to be perceived as affecting my conduct or influencing my actions in relation to my role with the SELEP. None

Member's Declaration

I confirm that:

  • having carried out reasonable investigation, the information given above is a true and accurate record of my relevant interests, given in good faith and to the best of my knowledge;
  • I shall review this register of interests before each board meeting and decision-making committee meeting, submitting any necessary revisions to the SELEP Secretariat at the start of the meeting;
  • even if a meeting has not taken place I shall, within 28 days of becoming aware of any change to the interests specified above, provide written notification to the SELEP Secretariat of that change; and
  • I have done and shall continue to comply with all other SELEP policies, including, but not limited to, the Code of Conduct and the Gifts and Hospitality policy; I understand that all of the policies are available on the SELEP website.

Name: David Sheppard

Date completed: 16 May 2019

Signature: verified by email

Date last confirmed correct: 2 June 2023