Developers East Sussex (DES) Chair role specification
General information
DES Chair role specification, version 1.1, May 2019.
- Volunteer.
- Time commitment: 4 DES meetings per annum, plus attendance at the annual DES dinner and any additional meetings and conference calls as required to support the effective operation of DES, in particular networking, lobbying and promotion.
- Initial length of tenure: up to 2 years.
Role description
Take the lead role in DES to promote delivery of quality sustainable development in East Sussex
- Provide leadership in the chairing and promotion of DES, including large and small commercial and residential developers in East Sussex, private companies, housing associations, public bodies and owners, planners, construction companies and so on, to ensure a commonality of goals and purpose.
- Take a leadership role in the promotion of the interests of DES with key influencers across government, within the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) and with local stakeholders, both public and private sector.
- Coordinate and agree DES priorities with the SELEP Strategic Housing Advisor (Brian Horton) and DES Specialist Consultant (Nick Fenton).
Experience and attributes
A successful track record operating in the development industry
- Leadership qualities and ability to chair well-managed, inclusive meetings, ensuring all members' views are taken into account with a consensus and clarity of outcomes achieved.
- Ability to operate as an advocate for DES across East Sussex, the SELEP region and nationally, with a range of stakeholders.
- Ability to promote DES engagement with senior officers and councillors at East Sussex County Council, plus the East Sussex Planning Officers Group, East Sussex Housing Officers Group, Team East Sussex (TES) and SELEP, all promoting collaborative working to have a positive influence.
- A strong understanding and experience of housing and commercial development with a focus on East Sussex.
Personal style, skills and characteristics
A respected figure from the development industry with personal authority appropriate to the task
- An ability to articulate DES priorities and work with key decision-makers and influencers to promote DES.
- An ambassador, an effective high-level networker and a strong advocate for DES.
- A confident public speaker with excellent interpersonal skills.
- The ability to provide leadership to DES and generate enthusiasm for its aims: an engaging leader, diplomat, ideas-person and a good listener.