Procurement code of conduct for council employees
This code of conduct covers how the council expects its employees to act in relation to carrying out procurement.
There is a separate code of conduct which covers what we expect from suppliers who tender for business with us.
Code of conduct and declaration of interests
All of the Council’s employees must abide by the Council’s Code of Conduct for Employees, and declare their interests in existing or potential contractors.
They must state if the connection is a private, social, domestic or professional one.
See the Code of Conduct for Employees – Part 5 of our Constitution.
Although the Code of Conduct for Employees covers more than just business relationships, organisations currently, or potentially, doing business with the Council should read the following sections:
- 5. Outside commitments
- 6. Personal interests
- 10. Relationships
- 11. Can I accept hospitality, gifts, bequests and legacies?