Adult Social Care strategy - film

Adult social care strategy - What Matters To You

The video below gives details of 'What Matters To You', our plan for care, support and independence for adults in East Sussex.

It's called 'What Matters To You' because our starting point was to ask local residents, people who need care and support, their families and carers what mattered to them.

Adult social care is more than just the services we provide. People are at the heart of what we do, and with the help of residents who participated in surveys, focus groups and interviews, we have developed a plan for the future. 

We very much see this as work in progress and we're currently at the beginning of a very long journey - not the end.

- What Matters To You - Our adult social care strategy (with British Sign Language)

Watch on YouTube: "What Matters To You - Our adult social care strategy (with British Sign Language)"