1. Family hubs
  2. Support for families
  3. Mental wellbeing for you and your child

Mental wellbeing for you and your child

Being a parent can be exciting, but it's also overwhelming at times. Your mental wellbeing is important for you and your baby.

Your health visiting team is here for you, your partner and your child. Every time we talk, we’ll ask how you’re feeling and how you’re finding being a parent.

You or your partner can call us about things like:

  • how you are feeling
  • how you are bonding with your baby
  • any concerns about your baby or family life

Contact your health visitor

Phone: 01323 463204

Email: esht.hv-duty@nhs.net

When you contact us, we'll listen and work out the best way forward together.

Groups and one-to-one support

We offer free sessions to support your mental wellbeing and relationship with your baby. This includes one-to-one counselling and ‘Time for me’ group sessions.

'Time for me' supports mums who are struggling with their mental health following the birth of their baby. To find groups, see the 'Pregnancy and new baby' section in the what's on guides in activities and courses.

Talking therapies and support

Every Mind Matters | NHS – mental health and wellbeing support.

Health in Mind – self-refer to Sussex talking therapies and courses.

Mental health videos | Best Beginnings – real people’s stories.