Becoming a personal assistant

A personal assistant (PA) provides support with personal and domestic tasks. Their clients include people who are older, disabled, or living with a mental health condition or learning disability.

It’s an important and rewarding role, helping someone to live a full and independent life.

The job can be very flexible. It offers a variety of full and part-time hours, including evenings and weekends. You can support one person, or several clients.

What does a personal assistant do?

Duties vary depending on the client’s requirements. This may include providing support with:

  • household tasks, such as cleaning, gardening and shopping
  • personal care, like washing and dressing
  • assisting with healthcare tasks (after training)
  • looking after children and pets
  • driving, attending appointments and leisure activities
  • organising paperwork
  • liaising with other professionals and family members who support the client

What skills do you need?

You need to be a good listener and able to build a strong and trusting relationship with the person you support. You must be reliable, encouraging and treat people with dignity and respect.

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