If your comment or complaint is about local health services

Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) offers advice and support about care provided by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust.
Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) offers advice and support about care provided by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust.

This service acts on for you to sort out problems quickly.
This service acts on for you to sort out problems quickly.

You can contact PALS at
PALS Eastbourne District General Hospital
Phone 0300 131 4784
Email esh-tr.palse@nhs.net
PALS Conquest Hospital
Phone 0300 131 5309
Email esh-tr.palsh@nhs.net
You can contact PALS at
PALS Eastbourne District General Hospital
Phone 0300 131 4784
Email esh-tr.palse@nhs.net
PALS Conquest Hospital
Phone 0300 131 5309
Email esh-tr.palsh@nhs.net