What you will need to pay for services - easy read leaflet

This leaflet will tell you how we work out what you will have to pay towards the cost of the care and support you can get through Adult Social Care and Health (ASCH)
This leaflet will tell you how we work out what you will have to pay towards the cost of the care and support you can get through Adult Social Care and Health (ASCH)

If you need support to understand this leaflet, you could ask
- someone in your family or a friend
- a support worker
- a carer
- or you could phone Health and Social Care Connect on 0345 60 80 191
If you need support to understand this leaflet, you could ask
- someone in your family or a friend
- a support worker
- a carer
- or you could phone Health and Social Care Connect on 0345 60 80 191
Free information and advice

Information and advice about care and support services is always free.
You do not have to pay for information, leaflets or our advice.
Information and advice about care and support services is always free.
You do not have to pay for information, leaflets or our advice.

You can ask for a free social care needs assessment.
This assessment looks at how a person manages everyday tasks to see if they can receive care and support from us.
You can ask for a free social care needs assessment.
This assessment looks at how a person manages everyday tasks to see if they can receive care and support from us.

If a person can receive care and support from us, we say they qualify for support.
If a person can receive care and support from us, we say they qualify for support.
What you pay

If you qualify for support from us, you will probably need to pay some money towards it.
If you qualify for support from us, you will probably need to pay some money towards it.

We work out how much you pay by doing a financial assessment.
A financial assessment is when we look at how much money you have
We work out how much you pay by doing a financial assessment.
A financial assessment is when we look at how much money you have

If you have more than £23,250
- You will not be able to get help from us to pay for your care and support
- You will need to pay the full cost yourself
If you have more than £23,250
- You will not be able to get help from us to pay for your care and support
- You will need to pay the full cost yourself

If you have less than £23,250 you may be able to get help from us to pay for some or all of your care and support.
If you have less than £23,250 you may be able to get help from us to pay for some or all of your care and support.

How much you pay depends on
- What care and support you need
- How much money you have.
How much you pay depends on
- What care and support you need
- How much money you have.

How much you pay is called your client contribution
How much you pay is called your client contribution

You do not have to have a financial assessment.
If you do not have a financial assessment, you will have to pay for all your care and support yourself.
You do not have to have a financial assessment.
If you do not have a financial assessment, you will have to pay for all your care and support yourself.
The financial assessment process

The type of financial assessment you will have depends on the care and support you need
The type of financial assessment you will have depends on the care and support you need

There are different ways to do your financial assessment
There are different ways to do your financial assessment

Sometimes, we can do your financial assessment without contacting you.
Sometimes, we can do your financial assessment without contacting you.

Other times, we will need to work with you or your supporter to do your assessment.
Other times, we will need to work with you or your supporter to do your assessment.

We can send you a link and you can do your assessment online.
We can send you a link and you can do your assessment online.

We can visit you to support you to complete your assessment.
We can visit you to support you to complete your assessment.

We may call you to find out how you would like to do your assessment.
We may call you to find out how you would like to do your assessment.

You will probably need to share some documents with us that show how much money you have.
You will probably need to share some documents with us that show how much money you have.

When we have finished your assessment, we will explain
- How much you will need to pay per week towards your care and support.
This is your client contribution.
- How we worked this out
- The different ways you can pay this.
When we have finished your assessment, we will explain
- How much you will need to pay per week towards your care and support.
This is your client contribution.
- How we worked this out
- The different ways you can pay this.

We can also give you information and advice on how to apply for any benefits you might be able to get.
Benefits are money from the government to support you to live your life.
We can also give you information and advice on how to apply for any benefits you might be able to get.
Benefits are money from the government to support you to live your life.
Other care you may need to pay for

Charges in day centres
Meals at day centres
- Transport to and from your home.
Charges in day centres
Meals at day centres
- Transport to and from your home.

Meals in the community
Meals delivered to your home.
Meals in the community
Meals delivered to your home.
Moving into residential care

Residential care is a home where people are cared for.
Residential care is a home where people are cared for.

If you own a house, we may look at how much money it is worth.
We only do this if you are moving into residential care.
If you own a house, we may look at how much money it is worth.
We only do this if you are moving into residential care.

This will help us see what you need to pay towards residential care.
This will help us see what you need to pay towards residential care.
If you do not agree with your assessment

You should contact us if you think we have made a mistake.
We will give you more information about this when you have your financial assessment.
You should contact us if you think we have made a mistake.
We will give you more information about this when you have your financial assessment.
How to pay us

There are different ways to pay for your care and support.
There are different ways to pay for your care and support.

The easiest way to pay is by Direct Debit.
A Direct Debit is when you tell your bank to pay us on a certain date.
The easiest way to pay is by Direct Debit.
A Direct Debit is when you tell your bank to pay us on a certain date.

There will be more information about the different ways you can pay on the bill that we will send you.
There will be more information about the different ways you can pay on the bill that we will send you.