Young carers

If you are under 18 and look after a family member then you are a young carer.
If you are under 18 and look after a family member then you are a young carer.

The family member you look after might have a physical or mental health condition.
The family member you look after might have a physical or mental health condition.

Young carers often do extra jobs at home, like
helping someone get washed and dressed.
Young carers often do extra jobs at home, like
helping someone get washed and dressed.

This can sometimes get in the way of
school work
spending time with friends.
This can sometimes get in the way of
school work
spending time with friends.

East Sussex Young Carers support carers aged 5 to 17.
East Sussex Young Carers support carers aged 5 to 17.

East Sussex Young Carers can
give information and advice
arrange for young carers to meet each other, chat and have fun!
East Sussex Young Carers can
give information and advice
arrange for young carers to meet each other, chat and have fun!

Contact East Sussex Young Carers
Website East Sussex Young Carers
Phone 0300 111 1110
Contact East Sussex Young Carers
Website East Sussex Young Carers
Phone 0300 111 1110

Care for the Carers
Runs activities and groups for young carers.
Website Care for the Carers
Phone 01232 738 390
Text 07860 077 300
Care for the Carers
Runs activities and groups for young carers.
Website Care for the Carers
Phone 01232 738 390
Text 07860 077 300