Keeping people safe

Safeguarding is how people who are
experiencing harm or neglect
at risk of experiencing harm or neglect
can get help to live safely.
Safeguarding is how people who are
experiencing harm or neglect
at risk of experiencing harm or neglect
can get help to live safely.

Sometimes the person who is being cared for can harm their carer.
Sometimes the carer can harm or neglect the person they are caring for.
This might not be on purpose.
Safeguarding can help.
Sometimes the person who is being cared for can harm their carer.
Sometimes the carer can harm or neglect the person they are caring for.
This might not be on purpose.
Safeguarding can help.

If you are being harmed or worry that you might be, contact Health and Social Care Connect (HSCC).
If you are being harmed or worry that you might be, contact Health and Social Care Connect (HSCC).

You can also contact HSCC if you are worried about someone else.
This might be someone that you are a carer for.
You can also contact HSCC if you are worried about someone else.
This might be someone that you are a carer for.

You do not have to give your name or your details when you contact HSCC.
You do not have to give your name or your details when you contact HSCC.

If it is an emergency, call 999.
If it is an emergency, call 999.