HGVs and commercial vehicles

Large vehicles using unsuitable routes are a problem on many of our rural roads. Satnav systems direct drivers of all types of vehicle to use routes they may not previously have been aware of. Many major roads in East Sussex are busy and drivers are increasingly using minor roads as an alternative.

The Department for Transport recommends contacting satnav companies responsible for the data, but as there are so many this is unlikely to help. We can report routes to Ordnance Survey (OS) but not all satnav providers use OS data.

Although we cannot introduce restrictions on all reported roads, we try to ensure that environmentally unsuitable roads with a high volume of traffic are considered for restriction, if a more suitable route is available.

Reports can also be made to the lorry operating company. See: Find lorry or bus operators (gov.uk).

Dangerous or antisocial driving can be reported via: Operation Crackdown

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