Street lighting and traffic signals
We maintain more than 40,000 streetlights and lit signs and over 200 traffic signals. Some are the responsibility of the Highways Agency and local district or borough councils.
Changes to street lighting in East Sussex
Lighting schemes
There are two different lighting schemes on residential and main roads in East Sussex; the LED Lighting Scheme and the Part Night Lighting Scheme.
LED Lighting Scheme
In Eastbourne and Hastings most of the lights are white LEDs and are dimmed along main roads between midnight and 6.00am.
Part Night Lighting Scheme
The part night scheme operates in most other towns and villages in East Sussex. The scheme means that between midnight and the early hours we have:
- dimmed some streetlights
- turned off alternate streetlights in some streets
- turned off all streetlights in some streets
These schemes:
- reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions
- lower our electricity bills
- provide better quality lighting and improve visibility.
LED Street Lighting Reviews
Details of the Eastbourne reviews are published below:
Langney, Hampden Park and Ratton Three Month Review [112.6 KB] [pdf]
Sovereign, St Anthony's and Old Town Three Month Review [108.8 KB] [pdf]
Meads, Devonshire and Upperton Three Month Review [110.1 KB] [pdf]
Details of the Hastings review is published below:
Hastings and St Leonards Six Month Review [3.2 MB] [pdf]
Equality Impact Assessment
For each area, we considered how these schemes may affect different groups in the community.
Download a copy of the Equality Impact Assessment Summary [313.1 KB] [pdf].
Please see the East Sussex Highways website for further information about Street lighting and Traffic Signals.