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  5. Permit parking zones and hours of control

Permit parking zones and hours of control

Lewes parking review consultation

We are asking for your views on changes to parking restrictions in Lewes district.

Find out more and have your say about the Lewes District informal consultation. This will close on 28 February 2025. 

Lewes and Falmer parking zones [672.6 KB] [pdf] - Find out what parking zone you live in and where you can park.

Permits restrictions (the times when you can park with a valid permit) apply as follows:

  • Zone B – 9am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday (except St John Street which is 8am to 6pm) 
  • Zone HS - 9am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday (except Castle Precincts which is 8am to 6pm, and Little East Street, Albion Street and East Street which are 8am to 8pm) 
  • Zones C and D - 9am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday
  • Zones A and G – 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (some parts of De Warrenne Road are Monday to Saturday)
  • Zone E – 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday (some parts of zone E are Monday to Friday)
  • Zone F – 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, 1 September to 31 May

Parking charges do not apply on public or bank holidays. Lewes District Council allows free parking from 5pm to 9am in their car parks.

Do you have a permit for zone HS?

If yes, your permit will also be valid for one other zone in Lewes.

To find out which zone, download  Lewes and Falmer permit eligibility areas [848.2 KB] [pdf]

Is there a permit waiting list?

If the demand for permits exceeds availability a waiting list will be implemented.

There are currently no waiting lists for permits in Lewes or Falmer.

New developments

A permit may not be issued if the address is part of a large development with off street parking.

In some circumstances parking permits will not be issued to residents of specific properties. These are generally dwellings with no or limited off street parking where ESCC (East Sussex County Council) has advised the planning authorities that, in the event that planning permission is granted for those dwellings, no or restricted permits will be issued by ESCC. The Traffic Regulation Order may include a clause to this effect. It is necessary to have such a clause to better manage increasing on street parking demand that would otherwise result from development that does not provide for adequate parking facilities.

What if my vehicle is not registered in the UK?

Motorists of any non UK registered vehicles will only be issued with a permit for a maximum of six months. Foreign vehicles that remain in the UK for longer than six months are required to register with the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) or obtain a customs exemption certificate from HMRC (His Majesty's Revenue and Customs).

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