Doctor permits - Eastbourne

Lewes parking review consultation

We are asking for your views on changes to parking restrictions in Lewes district.

Find out more and have your say about the Lewes District informal consultation. This will close on 28 February 2025. 

Am I eligible for a doctor permit?

You can buy a doctor permit if you work at a Doctor's surgery that has designated doctor bays outside the surgery. One permit will be provided for each bay plus one spare. It will be the surgery's responsibility to manage the allocation of permits to doctors on a daily basis.

Where can I park with a doctor permit?

You can park in the marked doctor bays outside the surgery.

Permits are not valid in any other bay or in any off street car park.

How many permits can I buy?

One permit will be provided for each doctor bay plus one spare. It will be the responsibility of staff at the surgery to manage the allocation of permits to doctors on a daily basis. With each application you will need to include a letter on headed notepaper confirming the number of doctors practising at the surgery.

How much do they cost?

  • £84 each

Payment can be made online when your application is approved. Or once you have received confirmation that your application has been approved you can pay at one of these libraries:

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