Bespoke Training

Mitigating Unconscious Bias (CET only)

Course details
Target audience All users
Subject Practical skills and self-development
Course description Our minds are geared to work efficiently; constantly using expedient short-cuts that enable us to make quick decisions and responses. Whilst we cannot ever penetrate the nuts and bolts of our mental machinery, we can recognise that these short-cuts can sometimes cloud our judgement. At worst, our biases perpetuate ageism, racism, sexism and numerous other forms of covert or overt discrimination and persecution. This one-day course invites participants to query their own perceptions and perspectives and examine the impact on their relationships and working practises. The trainer is an experienced psychotherapist, debriefer and coach. Due to the participatory nature of the course, the maximum number of participants is 10 and a degree of openness and readiness to participate in the programme is required.
Training objectives The course will be especially useful for those with responsibility for recruitment, appraisals, strategy, policy & process development and organisational functions.
Learning outcomes What is Unconscious Bias?
  • Review of unconscious/implicit bias theory & current research
  • Specific forms of biases
  • How we are ‘wired’/neuropsychology
  • Expediency and compartmentalising
  • Recognising preferences and prejudices
  • Drivers and schemas
How does UB effect the workplace?
  • Advantages of diversity, inclusivity & equality
  • Don’t I have the right to an opinion?
  • Personal values vs organisational/societal values
  • Necessity of associated policies and processes
  • Culture, recruitment & appraisals
  • Micro-inequities
Strategies for effectively managing personal biases
  • Micro-affirmations
  • Reflective conversations and role-plays
  • De-biasing, counter- and positive stereotyping
  • Impartiality - who do I say yes/no to?
  • Impartial time management
  • Increasing contact/experience
  • Structure and accountability
  • Listening skills
  • Mindfulness - to increase self-awareness, reduce implicit bias and decrease discriminatory decision making
  • Team accountability/reviews
  • Making a personal action plan and commitment
  • Recommended reading and resources
Additional information
Maximum places 10
Closing date 1 day ahead of the start date
Cost No Charge
Number of sessions 1
Course dates, venue and times
Please make a note of the course code and date, you will need this to book.
Course code Venue Course dates Time
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To cancel a course booking, please use the Learning Portal - cancellation form.

Emergency First Aid at Work Bespoke

Course details
Target audience BESPOKE - for Lansdown Children's Centre staff
Subject First Aid / Health and Safety
Course description The Emergency First Aid at Work course  provides an excellent introduction to the basic principles of First Aid, and trains you to take control of a first aid situation in the workplace in the absence of a fully trained First Aider (see First Aid at Work).  The course tutor will assess you throughout the course, through multiple choice papers and observations. Upon completion, First Aid Awards will provide a certificate. At the end of the course trainees must demonstrate the skills and knowledge learnt during the course, when there will be some hands-on floor work. This will include demonstration of delegates' CPR skills, including chest compressions. Please note that if you ae unable for any reason to demonstrate those skills to a satisfactory degree you will not be able to pass the course and you will not receive a certificate. Your certificate will last for 3 years.
Training objectives Please consult the ESCC First Aid policy which sets out how many trained First Aiders are required and what their responsibilities are.
Learning outcomes Emergency First Aid at Work covers a range of topics within its syllabus including:
  • the Health and Safety (first aid) regulations
  • managing incidents
  • priorities of First Aid
  • treatment of unconscious casualties
  • resuscitation
  • shock
  • choking
  • seizures
  • bleeding
  • and other common workplace injuries
Additional information Please note - Freedom Leisure guidance: We are delighted that we can return to delivering First Aid Courses, but we must make sure that you are all safe to do so. Therefore, we ask that you read and follow the guidance below at all times for the duration of this course Adhere to the information provided by the venue
  • Wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitiser.
  • Wearing a face covering/mask is optional.
  • Please wash or sanitise your hands before and after every theory/practical session
  • If you use any shared equipment such manikins, auto injector pens etc, please clean them before and after use.
  • Please respect the tutor, we are governed by HSE. They will not ask you to do anything that they do not need to see. Please note, rescue breaths into a manikin do need to be seen. There are clear cleaning regimes, you will each be given a face mask and we dispose of the ‘lungs’ within the manikin after each training session.
  • If you have any concerns about the safety of yourself or colleagues, please report this to your line manager immediately.
  • A full copy of our risk assessment is available if required.
We believe that if we all follow these simple measures, we will provide a safe course environment for customers and trainers. However, if you think there is more that we can do, please speak to your tutor. We have adapted our delivery of first aid in line with HSE guidelines. As with all first aid, there is an element of interaction with others. However, we have compiled risk assessments based on this and have minimised the risk as much as possible and have done what we can to safeguard our course attendees and tutors throughout each course.
Maximum places 12
Closing date 1 day ahead of the start date
Cost Bespoke
Number of sessions 1
Course dates, venue and times
Please make a note of the course code and date, you will need this to book.
Course code Venue Course dates Time
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To cancel a course booking, please use the Learning Portal - cancellation form.

Safe Moving & Handling (Libraries)

Course dates, venue and times
Please make a note of the course code and date, you will need this to book.
Course code Venue Course dates Time
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To cancel a course booking, please use the Learning Portal - cancellation form.

Writing for the Web, CMS, Publishing Bespoke for early help

Course dates, venue and times
Please make a note of the course code and date, you will need this to book.
Course code Venue Course dates Time
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To cancel a course booking, please use the Learning Portal - cancellation form.