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  4. Ninfield School decarbonisation project V1

Ninfield School decarbonisation project V1

Ninfield school's decarbonisation project did xyz. 

It was very challenging and we solved our problems by doing xyz. We worked very hard with some lovely contractors and are really pleased with all the savings we're making.

Figure 5b: Alcohol and its Impact in East Sussex at a glance

There might be some more content about the project and how well it went, after the infographic.

Decarbonisation results
Annual performance indicator Before After  Difference
Energy used per square meter of floorspace 168 71 -58%
Carbon emissions 30 11 -62%
Total energy used 126,392 58,261 -54%
Energy costs (2023 unit rates) £22,938 £22,372 -2%
Energy costs (19p/kWh electric) (needs explaining or leave this line out?) £12,157 £11,069 -9%
Annual electricity only kWh (what is this? Just annual electricity use?) 44,615 58,261 31%
Heat as a percentage of kWh (what is this? Annual energy used to for heating?)  65% 31% -52%