After you get your school offer

5. Request a change of allocated school for September 2025

If your preferred school(s) are full for entry in September 2025, we can look into changing your child’s allocated school, provided the alternative school did not turn down any on-time applications. It is not possible to express a new preference for a school not listed on your application until 1 September 2025.

We cannot guarantee all requests will be successful. It will depend on the number of requests we receive and availability at each school.

If your change of allocation can be met, your original allocation will be withdrawn.

The list of schools available for change of allocation requests and details of how to do this will appear here on national offer day. This is 3 March 2025 (secondary) and 16 April 2025 (primary).

Make a request

Please put your request in an email to and include:

  • your child’s name and date of birth
  • the school you wish to be considered.
  • the reasons you wish to change your child’s allocated school (ie sibling)

The decisions on these requests do not carry a right of appeal nor can you join a waiting list. This service is not available for In year applications

Primary schools available for change of allocation requests will appear here on national offer day

16 April 2025

Primary and Junior schools
Area Available schools
Hastings and St Leonards
Junior schools

 Secondary schools available for requests will appear here:

3 March 2025

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