Stalled Sites Fund - Guidance


The Stalled Sites Fund (SSF) is an East Sussex County Council one-off capital fund designed to help finance feasibility studies, site investigations, pre-planning and business case development to support the case for commercial sites that have remained undeveloped for over twelve months to raise finance.

50% match funding is required up to a maximum grant of £25,000.

Application forms can be obtained from Economic Intervention Fund.


  • Public and private sector organisations. Partnerships will be considered.
  • The applicant must own the site or be applying on behalf of or in partnership with the owner.


  • Undeveloped or underdeveloped greenfield or brownfield commercial development site in East Sussex.
  • Evidence of 50% match funding. In exceptional circumstances lower match contributions will be considered.
  • Site stalled for 12 months minimum.
  • Project needs funding for feasibility / site investigation or business case development.
  • Normally the site must be a minimum size of half a hectare or will produce a minimum of 10,000 square feet of commercial space. Smaller sites may be considered.

Contact Economic Intervention Fund to discuss the possibility.

Delivery process

  • The fund is administered by the East Sussex County Council Business Funding Team, who should be contacted for an application form. Email Economic Intervention Fund.
  • Applications will be appraised by the Business Funding Team with advice from relevant departments and other authorities based on: value for money; the difficulty of the issue; viability and deliverability; and the number of jobs the site can accommodate.
  • Appraisals are considered by a panel of East Sussex senior officers who make a recommendation to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport for decision on behalf of the Lead Member.
  • Successful applicants will be sent an offer letter detailing the conditions of funding for the applicant to accept prior to entering into a funding contract.
  • Payment will be made on evidence of invoices for the level of grant and match approved.

How to apply

Contact the County Council's Business Funding Team for an application form.

Email Economic Intervention Fund